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Basic Information

The purpose of the Verification Program is to evaluate the emission reduction capabilities of a given technology. Through this process, EPA helps to instill confidence in our stakeholder community that the verified emission reductions will be achieved. The verification process includes a thorough technical review of the technology as well as tightly controlled testing to quantify statistically significant levels of emission reductions.

The National Clean Diesel Campaign's Verification Process is designed to allow the manufacturer to demonstrate the effectiveness on a number of engine family applications. It includes streamlined steps for upgrading previously verified technologies. There are two emission testing paths, depending upon the capabilities of the technology manufacturer: the “ETV” testing and the OTAQ testing path, both of which are described in detail in the Verification Process for Manufacturers.

One important required element of the process is the in-use testing component. This confirms that the technology is performing as stated by the manufacturer as well as to confirm the percent reduction. In-use testing is performed during two different stages of the useful life of the technology. This in-use test element is critical to whether the product will remain on EPA's Verified Technology List.

This page is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).
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