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for this reportcommitteensb board membersacknowledment
Last Updated: 05/05/2007



The draft report was posted on the NSF website from December 11, 2002 through January 15, 2002. A response form was provided to facilitate suggestions and reactions. An email address was also available. NSF also solicited comments through press coverage and through direct contacts. The NSB received 45 substantive responses (91 pages) commenting on the draft report, all of them submitted by email. Most responses were received from individuals but a few were submitted in the name of several people or an entire association. These responses by no means represent a random or representative sample of the research and education communities NSF serves. Most of the respondents provided specific comments that aided in preparing the final draft of the report

Organizational Affiliation
Richard Alkire University of Illinois
- Mark Ratner Northwestern University
(Co-chairs, NRC Report for the Chemical Sciences)  
Christopher W. Allen Vermont EPSCoR, University of Vermont
Diola Bagayoko Director Timbuktu Academy, Southern University and A&M College
Ann M. Bartuska President Ecological Society of America (ESA)
Hyman Bass President, American Mathematical Society
- David Eisenbud President Elect, American Mathematical Society
- Samuel M. Rankin III Director of the AMS Washington Office
Fran Berman Director, SDSC and NPACI, U.C. San Diego
Randy Black University of California, Irvine
Richard D. Braatz University of Illinois
Hans-Werner Braun University of California, San Diego
Marta Cehelsky Inter-American Development Bank
Scott Chapple European Academy of Sciences
Richard F. Coyne
President and Executive Director, Great Lakes Science Center
- Blake Andres Director of Education
Thomas B. Day Former NSB Member
David W. Ellis
President and Director, Museum of Science, Boston, MA
Lloyd S. Etheredge Director, Government Learning Project, New Haven, CT
Mary Farrell Dean of Libraries, University of Wyoming

Ian Foster Argonne
National Laboratory, University of Chicago
Deborah A. Freund Vice Chancellor and Provost, Syracuse University
Lawrence Fritz Director, Electron Microscope Facility, Northern Arizona University
Nils Hasselmo President, Association of American Universities
Brian Hawkins President, EDUCAUSE
Albert Henderson Former Editor, Publishing Research Quarterly

K. Elaine Hoagland
National Executive Officer, Council on Undergraduate Research
Charles Hosler Pennsylvania State University
Alan J. Hurd Los Alamos National Laboratory
Anant Kumar Jain Independent Telecommunication Consultant
Eric Jakobsson University of Illinois
Eugene Jones JVN Technologies
Eamon M. Kelly Payson Center, Tulane University
- Sheila Favalora Payson Center, Tulane University

Michael L. Kelly

Physicist, NSF International

C. O. Langebrake
Retired Mechanical Engineer
Edward S Lowry  
Merrilea J. Mayo President, Materials Research Society

Timothy C. McClaughry
Michael McGeary McGeary and Smith, Washington, D.C.
- Phil Smith  
Doug Mounce University of Washington
Richard T. O'Grady Executive Director, American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS)
- Adrienne J. Froelich Public Policy Director, AIBS
Joseph O'Rourke Smith College
Brad Rogers California
Thomas F. Rosenbaum  
James Franck Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago
Bruce Schatz Director, CANIS Laboratory U. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lana Skirboll Director, Office of Science Policy, NIH
Larry Smarr University of San Diego
Frank G. Splitt Northwestern University
Richard N. Zare Stanford University





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