Science and Engineering Infrastructure for the 21st Century


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Last Updated: 05/05/2007


Selected Bibliography

Aberersold, Reudi, Leroy Hood, and Julian Watts. 2000.  “Equipping Scientists for the New Biology.”   Nature Biology 18 (April 2000).

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Bordogna, Joseph. 2000.  “Visions for Engineering Education.”  Address to the IEEE Interdisciplinary Conference Electrical and Computer Engineering Education in the Third Millennium, September 11, 2000.

Broderick, Andrew. 2001.  “The Emergence of a Genomics Infrastructure.” SRI Business Intelligence Program BulletinD01-2341.

Bush, Vannevar.  1945.  Science – The Endless Frontier. A Report to the President on a Program for Postwar Scientific Research.  NSF 90-8.  Arlington, VA:  National Science Foundation.

Davey, Ken.  1996.  “The Infrastructure of Academic Research.” Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada Research File I (4).

European Commission.  2000. Annual Summary Report on the Coordination of Activities in Support of Research Infrastructures. Brussels, Belgium.

European Commission Conference on Research Infrastructures. 2000.  Commissioned Panel Reports. Strasbourg, Germany.  September 19-20, 2000.

Feller, Irwin. 2002.  “The NSF Budget: How Should We Determine Future Levels?”  Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives, House Committee on Science, Subcommittee on Research.  March 13, 2002.  Washington, DC. 

Georghiou, Luke, et al.  2001.  “Benchmarking the Provision of Scientific Equipment.” Science and Public Policy.  August 2001.

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National Science Foundation Act of 1950.  Public Law 81-507.

Nature.  2000.  “Europe Urged to Set Up Advisory Body on Research Infrastructure.” Nature 407 : 433-434.

Nobel e-Museum:

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Pitts, Nathaniel.  1995.  Final Report on Academic Research Infrastructure: A Federal Plan for Renewal. Washington, DC:  National Science and Technology Council. National Academy press. Washington, D.C.

President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee. February 1999.  Information Technology Research: Investing in Our Future. National Coordination Office for Information Technology Research and Development. (

Rich, R.H.  1999.  The Role of the National Science Foundation in Supporting Advanced Network Infrastructure: Views of the Research Community.  Washington, DC:  American Association for the Advancement of Science.

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Solow, Robert.  2002.   “Let’s Quantify the Humanities.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, April 19, 2002: B20.

The National Human Genome Research Institute:

The Space and Aeronomy Collaboratory (SPARC):

UCLA Information Technology Retreat.  1999.  Information Technology and Research Overview. Los Angeles, CA:  University of California.

UK Office of Science and Technology.  2001.  Large Facilities Strategic Road Map

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U. S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information. 2000. Workshop on a Future Information Infrastructure for the Physical Sciences. May 30-31, 2000.

U.S. Department of Energy.  2001.  Infrastructure Frontier: A Quick Look Survey of the Office of Science Laboratory Infrastructure.  This report can be read on-line at

U.S. General Accounting Office.  1998.  Best Practices: Elements Critical to Successfully Reducing Unneeded RDT&E Infrastructure. GAO/NSIAD/RCED-98-23.  Washington, DC







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