U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EST BJS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1997 202/633-3047 SIXTY PERCENT OF CONVICTED SEX OFFENDERS ARE ON PAROLE OR PROBATION Rapes and Sexual Assaults Decline WASHINGTON, D.C. -- According to a report released today by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), on any given day in 1994 almost 60 percent of the 234,000 convicted sex offenders under the care, custody or control of corrections officials in the United States were on parole or probation. An estimated 99,300 offenders convicted of rape or sexual assault were in local jails or state or federal prisons, while an estimated 134,300 convicted offenders were under conditional supervision in the community, such as parole (following imprisonment) or probation. (On average for all offenders, there are almost three offenders on probation or parole supervision in the community for each offender in jail or prison. However, for those convicted of rape or sexual assault, the ratio of those on conditional release to those incarcerated is 1.4 to 1.) Sex offenders represent 4.7 percent of the almost 5 million convicted offenders serving time in federal or state prisons, or jails or on probation or parole. They comprise 1 percent of the federal prison population, 9.7 percent of the state prison population, 3.4 percent of the nation's jail inmates, 3.6 percent of the offenders on probation and 4 percent of the offenders on parole. The BJS report, "Sex Offenses and Offenders," provides a comprehensive overview of current knowledge about the incidence and prevalence of rape and sexual assault, the characteristics of the victims and perpetrators and the response of the justice system to these crimes. The report draws on more than two dozen statistical programs maintained by BJS and the Uniform Crime Reporting Program of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It is the first national estimate of the size of the convicted sex offender population under the jurisdiction of federal, state and local correctional authorities. Declines in rape and sexual assault According to BJS's National Crime Victimization Survey, which obtains rape and sexual assault information from both males and females, the number of rapes and sexual assaults reported by victims in 1995 declined significantly from the number reported by victims in 1993. The nation's residents 12 years old and older reported one rape or other violent sexual assault for every 624 men and women in the country during 1995. Two years earlier, the rate of violent sexual victimization was one for every 435 residents. In 1995 the rate of rape among women was 10 percent lower than in 1990. In addition, 97,000 rapes were recorded by law enforcement agencies in 1995, the lowest number since 1989 and the lowest rate per capita since 1985. Data are unavailable for other sex offenses. During 1994 and 1995 only a third of the rape and sexual assault victims said they reported the offense to a law enforcement agency. In 1995 law enforcement agencies reported 34,650 arrests for forcible rape and 94,500 arrests for other sex offenses. There were 50 arrests for rape and other sex offenses per 100,000 United States residents. Children and teenagers are victims Per capita rates of rape and sexual assault are highest among young men and women 16 to 19 years old, urban residents, and low-income residents. There is no significant difference in the rate of rape or sexual assault on the basis of race. Data from police-recorded incidents of rape in three states showed that 44 percent of rape victims were younger than 18 years old, and two-thirds of violent sex offenders serving time in state prisons said their victims were younger than 18. An estimated 15 percent of imprisoned rapists and 45 percent of those sentenced to prison for other sexual assaults (statutory rape, forcible sodomy and molestation) said their victims were 12 years old or younger. Most imprisoned sex offenders knew their victims. Among rapists, about 30 percent said their victims had been strangers, and of those convicted of other sexual assaults, less than 15 percent said the victims were people with whom they had no prior relationship. About two-thirds of the rapes and sexual assaults reported by victims in the BJS survey occurred between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. Almost 60 percent took place in the victim's home or at the home of a friend, relative or neighbor. Recidivism rates for sex crimes are higher among sex offenders Prior BJS follow-up studies of sex offenders discharged from prison or sentenced to probation showed that they have a generally lower rate of rearrest than other violent offenders but are substantially more likely than other violent offenders to be rearrested for a new violent sex offense. For example, approximately 8 percent of 2,214 rapists released from prisons in 11 states in 1983 were rearrested for a new rape within three years, compared to approximately 1 percent of released prisoners who served time for robbery or assault. Released rapists were found to be 10.5 times as likely as non-rapists to be rearrested for rape. Offenders who served time for sexual assault were 7.5 times as likely as those convicted of other crimes to be rearrested for a new sexual assault. Today's report (NCJ-163392) was written by BJS statistician Lawrence A. Greenfeld. The complete embargoed 44-page document is available before 4:30 p.m., EST, Sunday, February 2, on the Internet at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/preview/sneakpk.htm It will be available to the general public beginning at 4:30 p.m. EST, Sunday on BJS's Internet home page by clicking on "What's new at BJS." The BJS webpage address is: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/ Additional BJS materials may be obtained from the BJS fax-on-demand (301/251-5550) or calling the BJS Clearinghouse on 1-800/732-3277. Information about the Justice Department's Violence Against Women programs may be obtained on the Internet at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/VAWGO BJS97003 After hours contact: Stu Smith at 301/983-9354 (END OF FILE)