U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 4:30 P.M. EST BJS SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1997 202/307-0784 PRISONER EXECUTIONS RISE SIGNIFICANTLY WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Seventy prisoners were executed in 16 states during the first 11 months of this year--25 more than all last year, according to a report published today by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). Of the 70 executions, Texas accounted for 36--exceeding the highest number of executions in one state in a single year since the federal government began an annual count in 1930. Sixty-five of the 70 executions were by lethal injection. The remaining five were by electrocution. During 1996, 19 states executed 45 prisoners, 36 by lethal injection, seven by electrocution, one by hanging and one by firing squad, according to BJS' annual capital punishment report. The prisoners executed during 1996 had been on death row an average of 10 years and 5 months, 9 months less than that for inmates executed in 1995. At the end of last year, 34 states and the federal system held 3,219 prisoners with death sentences, including 1,820 whites and 1,349 blacks. Three states accounted for 39 percent of that total--California (454), Texas (438) and Florida (373). At the time, 49 women were on death row--33 whites and 16 blacks. Sixteen states permit the death penalty for offenders younger than 18 years old. In 14 states and the federal system the death penalty may not be imposed unless the offender is 18 or older. Eight states do not specify a minimum age. Among all inmates under sentence of death for whom age data are available, 64 (2 percent) were 17 years old or younger at the time of their arrest. As of December 31, 1996, the youngest death row inmate, in Nevada, was 17 years old and the oldest, in Arizona, was 81. Between 1973 and the end of last year 5,877 men and women received state or federal death sentences. Of these, 1,974 (34 percent) had their sentences or convictions overturned, 358 were executed (6 percent), 151 died (3 percent), 146 had their sentences commuted (2 percent), 29 were removed from death row for other reasons (less than 1 percent) and 3,219 were still awaiting execution (55 percent). Among individuals who received a death sentence between 1977 and 1996, 51 percent were white, 41 percent black or African American, 7 percent Hispanic and 1 percent other races. Of the 358 who were executed during this time, 200 (56 percent) were white, 134 (37 percent) were black, 21 (6 percent) were Hispanic, and 3 (1 percent) were other races. Twelve states--Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin--and the District of Columbia do not authorize capital punishment. The bulletin, "Capital Punishment 1996" (NCJ-167031), was written by Tracy L. Snell, BJS statistician. Single copies may be obtained from the BJS fax-on-demand system by dialing 301/519-5550 or calling the BJS Clearinghouse at 1-800/732-3277. BJS's home page address on the Internet is: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/ Additional criminal justice materials can be obtained from the Office of Justice Programs homepage at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov After hours contact: Stu Smith at 301/983-9354 END OF FILE