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Bureau of Justice Statistics
Press Releases from 1994 to 1996

This is a list of BJS press releases from 1994 to 1996 in chronological order, beginning with the latest released during the period.

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Female Victims of Violent Crime, 12/18/96: "Women are violent crime victims at a lower rate than men, but the difference is narrowing -- Women are more likely to be attacked by intimates"

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Campus Law Enforcement Agencies, 1995, 12/11/96: " College campuses guarded by nearly 11,000 police officers -- most are armed"

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Capital Punishment, 1995, 12/4/96: "Sixteen States executed 56 offenders last year"

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Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 1995, 11/20/96: "A recognized national criminal justice statistics reference book is available on the World Wide Web"

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National Crime Victimization Survey, 1995: Preliminary Findings, 9/17/96: "Victims report 9% fewer violent crimes last year"

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Prison and Jail Inmates, 1995, 8/18/96: "Almost 1.6 million men and women in the Nation's Prisons and Jails"

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Noncitizens in the Federal Criminal Justice System, 1984-94, 8/4/96: "More prosecutions and tougher sentencing guidelines prompt increased incarcerations of noncitizens"

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Probation and Parole Populations, 1995, 6/30/96: "Probation and parole population reaches almost 3.8 million"

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National Criminal History Improvement Program Advanced State Award Program grants, 5/22/96: "18 States will share over $3.7 million in Justice Department grants to develop advanced background check systems."

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Criminal Victimization 1994, 4/11/96: "Crime victimization drops three percent from 1993 to 1994."

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Firearm Injury from Crime: Firearms, Crime, and Criminal Justice, 4/11/96: "One-quarter of the crime victims who are shot are young black males."

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Local Police Departments, 1993, 4/7/96: "Increase seen in number of blacks, Hispanics and women in nation's law enforcement agencies."

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Child Victimizers: Violent Offenders and Their Victims, 3/3/96: "Two-thirds of sex offenders in state prisons had victimized a child. Family members or acquaintances commit most child murders."

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BJS home page, 2/16/96: "Bureau of Justice Statistics criminal justice data just a mouse click away."

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Prisoners at midyear 1995, 12/3/95: "State and Federal prisons report record growth during last 12 months."

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Weapons offenses and offenders: Firearms, crime, and criminal justice, 11/12/95: "23 percent of those arrested for weapons offenses are younger than 18 years old."

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National Criminal History Improvement Program, 9/11/95: "Justice Department announces 18 more grants for improvement of criminal history records."

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Probation and parole populations in the U.S., 1994, 8/27/95: "The nation's correctional population tops 5 million."

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Violence against women: Estimates from the redesigned National Crime Victimization Survey, 8/16/95: "Women usually victimized by offenders they know."

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Prisoners in 1994, 8/9/95: "The nation's prison population grew almost 9% last year."

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Civil jury cases and verdicts in large counties: Civil justice survey of State courts, 1992, 7/16/95: "Civil juries award punitive damages in 6% of successful suits."

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National Criminal History Improvement Program, 7/12/95: "Justice Department makes first awards under $88 million to improve state criminal history record systems"

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Guns used in crime, 7/9/95: "Handguns used in more than one million violent crimes -- the use of semiautomatic guns in murders is increasing."

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Criminal victimization 1993, 5/31/95: "Teens at greatest crime risk."

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Jails and jail inmates, 1993-94: Census of jails and survey of jails, 4/30/95: "The nation's jails hold record 490,442 inmates."

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Tort cases in large counties: Civil Justice Survey of State Courts, 1992, 4/13/95: "Three out of four tort cases settled out of court."

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Felony sentences in State courts, 1992, 1/24/95: "State courts convicted almost 900,000 felons during 1992."

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Survey of Criminal History Information Systems, 1993, 1/11/95: "Five States selected for supplemental funding to improve criminal history recordkeeping"

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National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) redesign, 10/30/94: "Crime rate essentially unchanged last year."

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Prisoners at midyear 1994, 10/27/94: "State and federal prison population tops one million."

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Comparing Federal and State prison inmates, 1991, 10/2/94: "Most federal prisoners are drug offenders, but almost half of state prisoners are serving time for violent crimes."

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Probation and Parole 1993 , 9/11/94: "Probation and Parole Populations reach new highs"

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Violence and Theft in the Workplace, 7/24/94: "Work Place Violence"

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Murder in Families, 7/10/94: "Wives are the most frequent victims in family murders"

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Child Rape Victims, 6/22/94: "Half of women raped during 1992 were younger than 18 years old"

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Crime and Neighborhoods, 6/19/94: "Concern about neighborhood crime doubles among black households"

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Prisoners in 1993, 6/1/94: "Record Number of Prisoners Reached Again Last Year"

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Guns and Crime: Handgun Victimization, Firearm Self-Defense, 5/15/94: "Record number of handgun crimes--nears one million a year"

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Firearms an Crimes of Violence, 02/1/94: "Violent offenders increasingly likely to be armed"

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Prosecutors in State Courts, 1992, 12/23/94: "Typical State prosecutor's office is small with large caseload"

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Highlights from 20 Years of Surveying Crime Victims: NCVS 73-92, 11/21/93: "20 Years of measuring crime shows fewer offenses overall but increased violence against minorities and the young"

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Crime and Nations Households, 1992, 9/01/93: "Cries affecting U.S. households reach new low"

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Census of State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies, 7/2/93: "Census: State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies"

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Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991, 5/19/93: "Survey of Inmate Characteristics"

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Murder in Large Urban Counties, 1988, 5/12/93: "Murder in Large Urban Counties, 1988"

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