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National Priorities List (NPL) History

Proposed Date

Final Date

Superfund Program

Central City/Clear Creek

Central City Clear Creek site map
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Site Type: Final NPL
City: Idaho Springs
County: Clear Creek
Street Address: Near Town
Zip Code: 80452
EPA ID#: COD980717557
Site ID#: 0800257
Site Aliases: Argo Tunnel, Five Mile Tunnel, Central City Mining District, Quartz Hill Tunnel, National Tunnel, Gregory Incline, Newhouse Tunnel
Congressional District(s): 02

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Site Description

Clear Creek is a 400-square-mile watershed extending from the Continental Divide east to the Denver metropolitan area. Popular for activities like fishing, rafting, kayaking, and gold panning, it also serves as a drinking water source for over 650,000 people in the Northwest Denver Metro area. Historic gold mining and mine wastes left behind in the Clear Creek basin contaminated the watershed.

Abandoned mines along Clear Creek produce acidic metal-rich water that drains into the river. Piles of mine tailings located along or near the river's bank erode or leach metals into the water. Because these mine wastes are scattered throughout the Clear Creek basin this site has been identified as a study area where efforts are focused on water quality goals rather than individual tasks. Local, state and federal agencies, industry and concerned citizens are working together to improve water quality in the watershed.

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Site Risk

Media Affected Contaminants Source of Contamination
Soil, surface water, leachate, ground water, liquid waste Heavy metals like
zinc, copper, manganese, cadmium, lead and arsenic
Mining and milling operations within a watershed

EPA and CDPHE assessed potential impacts to human health and the environment from mine waste piles and tunnel discharges.

The primary contaminants of concern (COC) for humans at this site are arsenic and lead. Health risks to humans could result from long-term drinking of ground water with high concentrations of these metals, incidental ingestion of tailings and waste rock, and/or inhalation of airborne dust.

Contaminants of concern for aquatic life include zinc, copper, cadmium, and manganese. These metals are found in surface water and primarily effect trout, aquatic insects, as well as aquatic and riparian vegetation.

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