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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region 10: The Pacific Northwest
Serving the people of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and 270 Native Tribes

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Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
    The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), passed in 1966, is the primary law mandating that government agencies give the public access to the data they collect. Under FOIA, Agencies must provide government records to anyone who asks unless those documents are protected by one of the nine exemptions specified in the law.

    The public may request to review files, get copies of documents, or existing database reports, etc. under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) and the Toxics Substances Control Act (TSCA). All these records are available from the Office of Waste and Chemicals Management (OWCM).

    As an adjunct to the FOIA process, OWCM posts certain frequently requested electronic database reports. The public may access these database reports (specific to Region 10 States) electronically through the EPA Region 10 Homepage by choosing Waste and Chemicals Management, then Databases and FOIAs, then
    Hazardous Waste Data for AK, ID, OR and WA. These reports are updated monthly and include information on hazardous waste notifiers, generators, transporters, treatment, storage and/or disposal facilities, corrective action sites, permit activities, inspections and enforcement actions. Two other sources of on-line database information are: EPA's Envirofacts Data Warehouse and the The Right to Know Network.

    Please read the EPA Region 10 FOIA page to get specific information on how to make a FOIA request in writing or electronically.

Unit: Office of Waste and Chemicals Management

Last Updated (mm/dd/yy): 05/18/2006

Information Access