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Comments on Commission Notice:
The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.'s Application for Registration as a National Securities Exchange under Section 6 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

(Release No. 34-44625; File No. 10-131)

Notice of Amendments 4 and 5 (October 4, 2005)

Initial Notice (June 7, 2001)

  • Steven I. Weissman, P.A., June 7, 2005 (File name: siweissman060705.pdf)
  • Patrick J. Tiberi, Representative to Congress, April 20, 2005 (File name: 10131-81.pdf)

  • Comments on behalf of United States Capital Market LLC, by William W. Uchimoto, Esq., Saul Ewing LLP, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 19, 2004 (File name: sweissman1.htm)

  • Memorandum from Luis de la Torre, Counsel to Commissioner Goldschmid, regarding October 16, 2003 meeting with representatives of the Nasdaq Stock Market dated October 30, 2003 (File name: nasdaq101603.htm)
  • Comments of Steven I. Weissman, Esq., October 4, 2002 (File name: sweissman1.htm)

  • Comments of Meyer S. Frucher, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Philadelphia Stock Exchange, Inc., February 25, 2002 (File name: frucher1.htm)

  • Comments of W. Hardy Callcott, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., August 30, 2001 (File name: callcott1.htm)

  • Comments of Stuart Kaswell, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Securities Industry Association, August 30, 2001 (File name: kaswell1.htm)

  • Comments of Cameron Smith, General Counsel, Island ECN, Inc., August 29, 2001 (File name: smith1.htm)

  • Comments of Douglas M. Atkin, President and Chief Executive Officer, Instinet Corporation, August 28, 2001 (File name: atkin1.htm)

  • Comments of Jeffrey T. Brown, Vice President-Regulations and General Counsel, Cincinnati Stock Exchange, August 23, 2001 (File name: brown1.htm)

  • Comments of Kevin M. Foley, Bloomberg LP and Bloomberg Tradebook LLC, August 28, 2001 (File name: foley1.htm)

  • Comments of Sol Reicher, Co-Chairman, Specialists Associations; John Hawkey, Chairman, Floor Brokers Association; and Ross Moore, Chairman, Options Market Maker Association, The Member Associations of the American Stock Exchange, July 30, 2001 (File name: reicher1.htm)

  • Comments of William O'Brien, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, BRUT ECN, L.L.C., July 30, 2001 (File name: obrien1.htm)

  • Comments of Marc E. Lackritz, President, Securities Industry Association, July 24, 2001 (File name: lackritz1.htm)

Modified: 12/21/2005