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Last updated: October 11, 2002
South Florida Restoration Science Forum

The South Florida Restoration Science Forum

Kick Off
May 17 - 19, 1999
Embassy Suites Boca Raton

DRAFT Agenda (subject to change) as of May 5, 1999

Click here for a printable version of this agenda (note: document will open in a new browser window)

Click here for a pdf version of this agenda (note: document will open in a new browser window)


Monday, May 17, EXPO: "The Powerful Linkage Between Science and Management"

    7:30 Registration / Entrance Exhibits Open
    8:00 EXPO Display Rooms Open (8:00 - 5:00)
    Technical Briefings and Demonstrations in the Palm Theater (topics and times to be posted)
    11:15 Buffet Luncheon: pre-purchase tickets (11:15 - 12:45)
    6:00 Informal Reception - welcome for special guests
    Chairperson Richard Harvey, South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Working Group

Tuesday, May 18, "Strategies for Successful Science - Management Linkages in Ecosystem Management."

    9:30 Opening Remarks: Secretary Bruce Babbitt, U. S. Department of the Interior
    Introduced by Bonnie McGregor, Associate Director, U. S. Geological Survey
    10:00 Multi-Species Recovery Plan Signing Ceremony
    Regional Director Sam Hamilton, U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service Commissioner, Highlands County
    Secretary Bruce Babbitt, U.S. Department of the Interior
    10:30 Media Availability
    11:15 Buffet Luncheon: pre-purchase tickets (11:30 - 12:45)
    1:00 "Science: The Foundation of Effective Environmental Policy"
    Deputy Assistant Secretary Michael Davis of the U. S. Army (Civil Works)
    Introduced by District Engineer Col. Joe Miller, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District
    1:20 "Agriculture's Important Role in South Florida"
    Deputy Undersecretary Glenda Humiston, for Natural Resources U. S. Department of Agriculture
    Introduced by State Conservationist Niles Glasgow, Natural Resource Conservation Service
    1:30 Introduction: "Strategies for Successful Science Management Linkages in Ecosystem Management"
    Moderator Dr. Garth W. Redfield, Lead Environmental Scientist, South Florida Water Management District
    2:00 "The Scientific Foundation of Management Actions to Reverse Everglades Eutrophication"
    Presentation by: Dr. Thomas Fontaine, South Florida Water Management District
    2:30 Expert Discussion Panel: Mr. Frank Nearhoof, Dr. Ronald Jones, Dr. William Orem, and Mr. Dan Scheidt
    3:00 Break
    3:15 "The Importance of Partnerships"
    Regional Administrator John Hankinson, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4
    Introduced by Richard Harvery, Director, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency South Florida Field Office
    3:30 "Mercury: The Missing Link at the Science-Management Interface of Everglades Restoration"
    Presentation by: Mr. Larry Fink, South Florida Water Management District
    4:00 "Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Issues and Uncertainties"
    Presentation by: Mr. John Vecchioli, P.G. U.S. Geological Survey (retired)
    6:30 EXPO Display Rooms Open (6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.)

Wednesday, May 19, "What Scientists and Managers Need From Each Other."

    8:30 "Balancing Science, Management, and Politics: The not-so-delicate balance of Ecosystem Restoration."

    Terrance "Rock" Salt, Executive Director, South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Task Force

    9:00 Roundtable Discussion: interaction between scientists and managers to establish a series of principles and procedures that can be acted upon to enhance and strengthen effective communication and cooperation among scientists and managers engaged in ecosystem restoration in south Florida.
    Lead by Dr. Stuart Langton with Dr. Bonnie Kranzer and Mr. Robert Jones, Esquire. Supported by SFWMD TeamWorks facilitators Dr. Tim Bechtel, Mr. Julio Fanjul, Ms. Susan Coughanour, Ms. Lynn Masson, Mr. Robert Sosnowski, and Mr. Ed Terczak.

    Scientists and managers, including those in the audience, will then form separate groups and, through brainstorming, each group will develop: "Principles and practices to promote effective integration between science and management in ecosystem restoration."

    10:15 The scientists and managers will reconvene to have a panel and audience review of the combined results from both groups. The outcome of the review will be the establishment of "Recommendations to build better connections between science and management."

    The scientists on the panel will be:

    • Dr. Nick Aumen, Research Director, Ecosystem Restoration Department, SFWMD
    • Dr. Brad Brown, Director, SE Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service
    • Dr. Sarah Gerould, Director, Place-Based Science Projects, U.S. Geological Survey
    • Mr. Barry Glaz, Research Agronomist, USDA Sugarcane Field Station
    • Mr. Bob Johnson, Research Director, Everglades National Park
    • Mr. John Ogden, Distinguished Senior Scientist, SFWMD

    The managers on the panel will be:

    • Col. Joe Miller, District Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District
    • Mr. Mike Slayton, Deputy Executive Director, South Florida Water Management District
    • Mr. Fred Rapach, Policy & Program Coordinator, Water Utilities Dept., Palm Beach County
    • Mr. Dick Ring, Superintendent, Everglades National Park

    11:45 "Perspectives on the South Florida Restoration Science Forum"
    Dr. Leonard Berry, Director, Florida Center for Environmental Studies of the State University System
    12:00 Closing Remarks, Chairperson Richard Harvey, South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Working Group
    12:15 Buffet Luncheon: pre-purchase tickets (12:15 - 1:00)
    1:00 The South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Working Group will convene for its May meeting. The meeting will be from 1:00 p.m. to 8:45 PM. (Dinner break from 5:45 - 7:00)

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Last updated: 11 October, 2002 @ 09:43 PM (KP)