U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ADVANCE FOR RELEASE AT 5 P.M. EDT BJS SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 1996 202/307-0703 PROBATION AND PAROLE POPULATION REACHES ALMOST 3.8 MILLION WASHINGTON, D.C. -- There were almost 3.8 million adult men and women on probation or parole at the end of 1995, an increase of about 119,000 during the year, the Department of Justice announced today. The 3.2 percent increase was slightly lower than the 3.4 percent average annual growth rate since 1990. There were more than 3,090,000 adults under federal, state, or local jurisdiction on probation on December 31, 1995, and more than 700,000 on parole. The number of adults in the United States under some form of correctional supervision-- including those held in local jails and state and federal prisons--totaled more than 5.3 million, which was 2.8 percent of all adults in 1995. The number on probation rose by 4 percent during the year, the number on parole by 1 percent and the number in jail or prison by 6 percent. Since 1980 the total number under correctional supervision has almost tripled, growing at an average annual rate of 7.4 percent. Probationers include adult offenders whom courts place in community supervision instead of incarceration. Parolees include those adults conditionally released to community supervision after serving a prison term. They are subject to being returned to jail or prison for rule violations or other offenses. Half of all offenders on probation in 1995 were on probation for a felony. A quarter were on probation for a misdemeanor. One in every six probationers had been convicted of driving while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol. Nearly all of the offenders on parole (94 percent) had served a felony sentence. Three-quarters of probationers and parolees were required to maintain regular contact with a supervisory agency. The other offenders were not required to have regular contact (9 percent) or had failed to report and could not be located (9 percent). Texas had the largest number of residents on probation and parole, with more than 518,000 under community supervision, followed by California with nearly 379,000. At the end of 1995, almost 3.9 percent of all adults in Texas (3,892 offenders per 100,000 resident adults) were on probation or parole. Thirteen states reported that fewer than 1 percent of their adult populations were on probation or parole. North Dakota and West Virginia had the lowest probation and parole supervision rate (511 offenders per 100,000 adults), followed by Kentucky (546) and Mississippi (574). During 1995 five states reported increases of at least 10 percent in their probation populations and 10 reported similar increases in their parole populations. Arkansas, with a 14.2 percent rise in its probation population, and Colorado, with a 22.8 percent rise in the its parole population, led the nation. Seven states and the District of Columbia reported a decrease in the number of adults on probation, led by Alaska (down 11.6 percent), the District of Columbia (down 9.2 percent) and Maryland (down 7.7 percent). Women made up about 21 percent of the nation's probationers and 10 percent of the parolees. Approximately 64 percent of the adults on probation were white, and 34 percent were black. Fifty percent of parolees were white, 49 percent black. Hispanics, who may be of any race, represented 14 percent of probationers and 21 percent of parolees. The data were collected and analyzed by Allen J. Beck, Jodi M. Brown and Darrell K. Gilliard, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) statisticians. Additional criminal justice statistical information may be obtained from the BJS Clearinghouse, Box 179, Annapolis Junction, Maryland 20701-0179. The telephone number is 1- 800/732-3277. Fax orders to 410/792-4358. BJS's home page address on the Internet is: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/ # # # BJS96143 After hours contact: Allen Beck on 888/582-5828 Adults on probation, 1995 Percent Number change on parole on Probation Probation in probation 12/31/95 per Region and population, During 1995 population, population 100,000 adult jurisdiction 1/1/95 Entries Exits 12/31/95 during 1995 residents U.S. total 2,981,400 1,501,589 1,381,636 3,090,626 3.7 % 1,593 Federal/a,b 42,309 18,601 22,404 38,506 -9 % 20 State 2,939,091 1,482,988 1,359,232 3,052,120 3.8 1,573 Northeast 526,375 232,686 214,444 544,620 3.5 % 1,402 Connecticut 53,453 37,135 36,081 54,507 2 2,201 Maine/c 8,638 DK DK 8,641 0 923 Massachusetts 46,670 34,611 37,601 43,680 -6.4 941 New Hampshire 4,323 3,432 3,408 4,347 0.6 509 New Jersey 125,299 59,376 57,552 127,123 1.5 2,125 New York 163,613 45,061 35,175 173,499 6 1,276 Pennsylvania 99,524 39,764 32,465 106,823 7.3 1,166 Rhode Island 18,179 9,813 9,314 18,678 2.7 2,483 Vermont 6,676 3,494 2,848 7,322 9.7 1,672 Midwest 642,924 341,567 316,851 671,094 4.4 % 1,472 Illinois/c 104,664 63,862 61,723 109,489 4.6 1,258 Indiana/d 83,555 DK DK 83,555 0 1,936 Iowa 15,902 10,456 9,779 16,579 4.3 783 Kansas/c 17,256 11,831 7,726 16,547 -4.1 884 Michigan/c 142,640 68,000 62,338 148,337 4 2,110 Minnesota/c 81,972 55,911 57,131 83,778 2.2 2,490 Missouri/c 36,295 21,887 18,453 40,595 11.8 1,030 Nebraska 18,639 15,485 14,697 19,427 4.2 1,627 North Dakota 2,036 1,474 1,219 2,291 12.5 486 Ohio/c 90,190 68,077 59,558 99,603 10.4 1,201 South Dakota 3,874 4,393 4,643 3,624 -6.5 693 Wisconsin/c 45,901 20,191 19,584 47,269 3 1,254 South 1,214,375 618,343 573,402 1,254,817 3.3 % 1,846 Alabama/c 31,284 4,696 4,498 31,416 0.4 990 Arkansas 19,606 8,431 5,656 22,381 14.2 1,220 Delaware 15,507 7,395 6,555 16,347 5.4 3,036 District of Columbia 11,306 4,733 5,777 10,262 -9.2 2,334 Florida/c 247,014 146,989 133,585 255,550 3.5 2,367 Georgia/c 140,694 69,102 67,228 142,453 1.3 2,699 Kentucky 11,417 5,582 5,500 11,499 0.7 398 Louisiana 33,604 11,431 11,282 33,753 0.4 1,088 Maryland 76,940 35,530 41,441 71,029 -7.7 1,884 Mississippi 9,042 3,511 2,958 9,595 6.1 496 North Carolina 90,418 49,804 42,301 97,921 8.3 1,815 Oklahoma/c 26,285 14,195 13,029 27,866 6 1,161 South Carolina 40,005 16,643 14,482 42,166 5.4 1,545 Tennessee 34,896 20,431 18,594 36,733 5.3 931 Texas 396,276 200,365 181,144 415,497 4.9 3,119 Virginia 24,089 19,394 19,219 24,264 0.7 485 West Virginia/c 5,992 111 153 6,085 1.6 433 West 555,417 290,392 254,535 581,589 4.7 % 1,397 Alaska 2,899 960 1,296 2,563 -11.6 619 Arizona/c 34,365 15,514 10,728 32,532 -5.3 1,076 California 277,655 142,560 133,229 286,986 3.4 1,259 Colorado/c 39,065 25,042 21,840 42,010 7.5 1,519 Hawaii 13,088 6,620 6,385 13,323 1.8 1,518 Idaho 5,770 6,110 5,711 6,169 6.9 757 Montana 5,656 2,022 1,833 5,845 3.3 922 Nevada 9,410 6,043 5,377 10,076 7.1 890 New Mexico 8,063 7,727 7,514 8,276 2.6 698 Oregon 38,086 13,397 11,758 39,725 4.3 1,695 Utah 7,714 4,136 3,372 8,478 9.9 664 Washington/c 110,279 58,476 43,640 122,306 10.9 3,048 Wyoming 3,367 1,785 1,852 3,300 -2 960 Note: Counts are subject to revision. Final counts will be published in Correctional Populations in the United States, 1995. :Not available. *Less than 0.05%. --Not calculated. /aDefined as persons received for probation directly from court. /bThe decrease resulted from a review of the statistical database by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, which identified and closed cases that had been coded incorrectly. /cBecause of nonresponse or incomplete data, the population on December 31, 1995, does not equal the population on January 1, 1995, plus entries, minus exits. /dData are for 12/31/94. See explanatory notes. Adults on parole, 1995 Percent Number change on parole on Parole Parole in parole 12/31/95 per Region and population, During 1995 population, population 100,000 adult jurisdiction 1/1/95 Entries Exits 12/31/95 during 1995 residents U.S. total 690,371 411,369 391,298 700,174 1.4 % 361 Federal/a,b,c 61,430 29,491 22,552 59,136 -3.7 % 30 State 628,941 381,878 368,746 641,038 1.9 330 Northeast 173,882 77,451 67,082 184,122 5.9 % 474 Connecticut 1,146 1,934 1,847 1,233 7.6 50 Maine/c 40 1 2 41 2.5 4 Massachusetts/c 4,755 3,727 3,702 4,639 -2.4 100 New Hampshire/c 835 702 762 785 -6 92 New Jersey 41,802 17,198 11,589 47,411 13.4 793 New York 53,832 27,158 25,422 55,568 3.2 409 Pennsylvania 70,355 25,814 22,935 73,234 4.1 799 Rhode Island 525 597 529 593 13 79 Vermont 592 320 294 618 4.4 141 Midwest 82,478 62,155 56,698 87,364 5.9 % 192 Illinois 26,695 22,706 19,860 29,541 10.7 339 Indiana 3,409 5,310 5,120 3,599 5.6 83 Iowa 3,696 1,665 1,826 3,535 -4.4 167 Kansas 6,291 3,741 3,938 6,094 -3.1 325 Michigan 12,846 9,078 8,062 13,862 7.9 197 Minnesota 1,904 2,581 2,368 2,117 11.2 63 Missouri/c 12,592 5,352 5,278 13,023 3.4 330 Nebraska 771 718 828 661 -14.3 55 North Dakota 94 209 189 114 21.3 24 Ohio 6,453 5,332 5,203 6,582 2 79 South Dakota 662 590 564 688 3.9 132 Wisconsin/c 7,065 4,873 3,462 7,548 6.8 200 South 253,731 101,722 111,741 243,309 -4.1 % 358 Alabama 7,235 1,525 1,525 7,235 0 228 Arkansas 5,224 4,108 4,477 4,855 -7.1 265 Delaware 1,029 40 259 810 -21.3 150 District of Columbia 6,574 2,702 2,580 6,696 1.9 1,523 Florida/c 20,573 3,769 9,649 13,746 -33.2 127 Georgia/c 17,505 10,862 9,479 19,434 11 368 Kentucky 4,380 3,256 3,379 4,257 -2.8 147 Louisiana 17,112 9,793 7,877 19,028 11.2 613 Maryland 14,795 11,921 10,968 15,748 6.4 418 Mississippi/c 1,519 840 847 1,510 -0.6 78 North Carolina 20,159 11,530 13,188 18,501 -8.2 343 Oklahoma 2,604 661 909 2,356 -9.5 98 South Carolina 6,077 1,522 1,702 5,897 -3 216 Tennessee 9,353 3,357 3,859 8,851 -5.4 224 Texas 108,563 24,425 29,899 103,089 -5 774 Virginia 9,649 10,766 10,227 10,188 5.6 204 West Virginia 1,380 645 917 1,108 -19.7 79 West 118,850 140,550 133,225 126,243 6.2 % 303 Alaska 412 439 392 459 11.4 111 Arizona 4,351 5,693 5,935 4,109 -5.6 136 California 85,082 118,948 112,223 91,807 7.9 403 Colorado 2,463 3,021 2,460 3,024 22.8 109 Hawaii 1,650 668 629 1,689 2.4 192 Idaho/c 931 539 676 862 -7.4 106 Montana 710 431 386 755 6.3 119 Nevada 3,529 1,787 1,856 3,460 -2 306 New Mexico 1,078 815 775 1,118 3.7 94 Oregon 14,264 6,160 5,405 15,019 5.3 641 Utah 2,417 1,818 1,504 2,731 13 214 Washington 1,650 75 850 875 -47 22 Wyoming 313 156 134 335 7 97 Note: Counts are subject to revision. Final counts will be published in Correctional Populations in the United States, 1995. --Not calculated. /aDefined as persons received for probation supervision upon release from prison. Includes supervised release, parole, military parole, special parole, and mandatory release. /bThe decrease resulted from a review of the statistical database by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, which identified and closed cases that had been coded incorrectly. /cBecause of nonresponse or incomplete data, the population on December 31, 1995,does not equal the population on January 1, 1995, plus entries, minus exits. Number of adults under correctional supervision, 1980-95 Total estimated Percent of correctional Community supervision adults under Year population Probation Parole Incarcerated/a supervision 1980 1,840,400 1,118,097 220,438 501,886 1.1 % 1981 2,006,600 1,225,934 225,539 555,114 1.2 1982 2,192,600 1,357,264 224,604 610,767 1.3 1983 2,475,100 1,582,947 246,440 645,713 1.4 1984 2,689,200 1,740,948 266,992 681,282 1.6 1985 3,011,500 1,968,712 300,203 742,579 1.7 % 1986 3,239,400 2,114,621 325,638 799,171 1.8 1987 3,459,600 2,247,158 355,505 856,906 1.9 1988 3,714,100 2,356,483 407,977 949,659 2.0 1989 4,055,600 2,522,125 456,803 1,076,670 2.2 1990 4,348,000 2,670,234 531,407 1,146,401 2.3 % 1991 4,535,600 2,728,472 590,442 1,216,664 2.4 1992 4,762,600 2,811,611 658,601 1,292,347 2.5 1993 4,944,000 2,903,061 676,100 1,364,881 2.6 1994 5,147,100 2,981,400 690,371 1,475,329 2.7 1995/b 5,357,800 3,090,626 700,174 1,567,000 2.8 Percent change 1994-95 4 4 1 6 1980-95 191 176 218 212 Annual average change 1990-95 4 3 6 6 1980-95 7 7 8 8 Note: Counts for probation, prison, and parole are for December 31 of each year. Jail counts are for June 30. Because some persons may have multiple statuses, the sum of the number of persons incarcerated or under community supervision overestimates the total correctional population. Percent of adults under supervision was computed using the U.S. adult resident population on July 1 of each year. /aThe incarcerated population count consists of inmates in the custody of jail and prison authorities. /bIncarcerated total was estimated and rounded to the nearest 1,000. Community corrections among the States, yearend 1995 10 States with Persons Persons the largest 1995 supervised supervised community 10 States with 10 States with the per 100,000 10 States with the per 100,000 corrections Number the largest Percent highest rates of adult U.S. lowest rates of adult U.S. populations supervised percent increase increase supervision, 1995 residents* supervision, 1995 residents* Probation: Texas 415,497 Arkansas 14.2 % Texas 3,119 Kentucky 398 California 286,986 North Dakota 12.5 Washington 3,048 West Virginia 433 Florida 255,550 Missouri 11.8 Delaware 3,036 Virginia 485 New York 173,499 Washington 10.9 Georgia 2,699 North Dakota 486 Michigan 148,337 Ohio 10.4 Minnesota 2,490 Mississippi 496 Georgia 142,453 Utah 9.9 Rhode Island 2,483 New Hampshire 509 New Jersey 127,123 Vermont 9.7 Florida 2,367 Alaska 619 Washington 122,306 North Carolina 8.3 Connecticut 2,201 Utah 664 Illinois 109,489 Colorado 7.5 New Jersey 2,125 South Dakota 693 Pennsylvania 106,823 Pennsylvania 7.3 Michigan 2,110 New Mexico 698 Parole: Texas 103,089 Colorado 22.8 % Pennsylvania 799 Maine 4 California 91,807 North Dakota 21.3 New Jersey 793 Washington 22 Pennsylvania 73,234 New Jersey 13.4 Texas 774 North Dakota 24 New York 55,568 Rhode Island 13 Oregon 641 Connecticut 50 New Jersey 47,411 Utah 13 Louisiana 613 Nebraska 55 Illinois 29,541 Alaska 11.4 Maryland 418 Minnesota 63 Georgia 19,434 Louisiana 11.2 New York 409 Mississippi 78 Louisiana 19,028 Minnesota 11.2 California 403 West Virginia 79 North Carolina 18,501 Georgia 11 Georgia 368 Ohio 79 Maryland 15,748 Illinois 10.7 North Carolina 343 Rhode Island 79 Note: The district of Columbia as a wholly urban jurisdiction is excluded. *Rates are computed using the U.S. adult resident population on July 1, 1995. Characteristics of persons under community supervision Probation Parole Number of persons supervised 3,090,626 700,174 Sex Male 79 9 Female 21 10 Race White 64 5 Black 34 49 Other 2 1 Hispanic origin Hispanic 14 21 Non-Hispanic 86 79 Supervision status Active 78 78 Inactive 8 11 Absconded 10 6 Out-of-State 2 4 Other 2 * Type of offense Felony 54 -- Misdemeanor 26 -- Driving while intoxicated 17 -- Other infractions 3 -- Sentence to incarceration More than 1 year ... 94 1 year or less ... 6 Note: Percentages based on reported data only Detail may not add to total because of rounding. *Less than 0.05%. --Not reported. Graph of rates of persons under supervision, 1980-95 Number per 100,000 U.S. adult residents All Community Incarceration 1980 1125 818 307 1207 873 334 1982 1299 937 362 1446 1068 377 1984 1551 1158 393 1718 1294 424 1986 1828 1377 451 1934 1456 478 1988 2065 1542 523 2212 1625 587 1990 2347 1728 619 2425 1775 651 1992 2522 1837 684 2592 1877 716 1994 2676 1909 767 1995 2762 1954 808 Explanatory notes The 1995 Probation and Parole Data Surveys provide a count of the total number of persons supervised in the community on January 1 and December 31, 1995, and a count of the number entering and leaving supervision during the year. These surveys cover all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the Federal system. Probation The 1995 Probation Data Survey was sent to 273 respondents _ 38 central State reporters and 235 separate State, county or court agencies. States with multiple reporters were Alabama (3), Arizona (2), Colorado (9), Florida (15), Georgia (2), Idaho (2), Michigan (114), Missouri (2), New Mexico (2), Ohio (52), Oklahoma (3), Tennessee (3), Washington (24), and West Virginia (2). The State of Indiana, 7 local agencies in Michigan, 2 in Ohio, and 1 in Washington did not provide data. For Indiana, data from 1994 were used but will be updated when available. For the other nonreporting agencies, the 12/31/94 population count was used as the 1/1/95 count and the 12/31/95 count. Parole The 1995 Parole Data Survey was sent to 56 respondents _ 52 central reporters, 2 Interstate Compact reporters, the California Youth Authority, and 1 municipal agency. States with multiple reporters were Alabama (2), California (2), West Virginia (2), and Idaho (2).