Water and Sediment Quality in the Yukon River Basin, Alaska, During Water Year 2001

Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey


Open-File Report 03-427



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This report contains water-quality and sediment-quality data from samples collected in the Yukon River Basin during water year 2001 (October 2000 through September 2001). A broad range of chemical and biological analyses from three sets of samples are presented. First, samples were collected throughout the year at five stations in the basin (three on the mainstem Yukon River, one each on the Tanana and Porcupine Rivers). Second, fecal indicators were measured on samples from drinking-water supplies collected near four villages. Third, sediment cores from five lakes throughout the Yukon Basin were sampled to reconstruct historic trends in the atmospheric deposition of trace elements and hydrophobic organic compounds.

Table of Contents



Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Fixed-Station Samples

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results

Chapter 3 - Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Characterization

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results

Chapter 4 - Dissolved Trace Metals

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results

Chapter 5 - Dissolved and Colloidal Trace Elements

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results

Chapter 6 - Mercury Analyses

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results

Chapter 6 - Mercury Analyses

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results

Chapter 7 - Dissolved Gasses and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results

Chapter 8 - Sediment Chemistry

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results

Chapter 9 - Sediment Mineralogy

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results

Chapter 10 - Sediment Concentration and Percent Organic Matter (OM) Analyses

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results

Chapter 11 - Particulate Carbon (PC) and Paticulate Nitrogen (PN)

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results

Chapter 12 - Isotopic Analysis of Suspended Sediments

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results

Chapter 13 - Uranium Isotopes

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results

Chapter 14 - Fecal-Indicator Samples

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results

Chapter 15 - Sediment-Core Samples

Sample Collection and Processing

Sample Analyses and Results


For additional information write to:

Chief, Branch of Regional Research

U.S. Geological Survey

Box 25046, Mail Stop 418

Federal Center

Denver, CO 80225-0046


Copies of this report can be purchased from:

U.S. Geological Survey

Open-File Reports-ESIC

P.O. Box 25425

Denver, CO 80225

Telephone (303) 236-7476

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