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LAC Trade Updates

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USAID LAC Trade Update - December 2004

Year-end Wrap-up of LAC's Free Trade Negotiations

  • Central American Free Trade Agreement
    - Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua
    Status: Signed by U.S. Awaits ratification by legislatures in respective countries

  • Dominican Republic
    Status: Signed by U.S. Was going to dock to CAFTA but talk of imposing a tariff on artificial sweeteners to protect its sugar industry could derail it

  • Panama
    Status: Under negotiation. Seventh round set for week of January 10 in Washington DC

  • Andean Free Trade Agreement - Colombia, Ecuador, Peru; Bolivia as observer
    Status: Under negotiation. Seventh round to be
    held in January

  • Free Trade of the Americas (FTAA) - Caribbean
    Status: Under negotiation. On hold for a year due to disagreements on agriculture, Intellectual Property Rights, and details on objectives.

USAID works closely with the Office of U.S. Trade Representative on these negotiations, helping countries to transition to free trade through rural diversification, small business development and enhancing competitiveness. This includes training negotiators as well as helping countries in regulatory issues, such as customs and intellectual property rights.

Millennium Assistance
Two LAC countries were selected to be eligible for Millennium Challenge Account assistance for the first time. They are Guyana and Paraguay. Already qualified to receive the funds are are Bolivia, Honduras and Nicaragua.

New Corruption Perception Index
The 2004 Corruption Perception Index was released recently by Transparency International, amid complaints published in the “Financial Times” (Oct, 20, 04) that the index measures perceptions – not corruption. Complaints said the index unfairly portrays the lower ranked countries since at least 50 are not even on the list.

Top ten in the LAC region listed were Haiti (145), Paraguay (140), Bolivia and Guatemala (122), Honduras and Venezuela (114), Ecuador (112), Argentina (108), Nicaragua (97), Dominican Republic (87), Jamaica (74) and Peru (67).

New Trade Resources

USAID has updated its Trade Capacity Building database with 2004 data.

A new World Bank report (Global Economic Prospects 2005: Trade, Regionalism and Development) noted that developing countries’ estimated growth of 6.1 percent in 2004 is the best in three decades. It is, though, expected to moderate, the report said.

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund offer access to the World Bank Quarterly External Debt Statistics database that exhibits external debt statistics for 41 countries. It is updated every three months.

The International Center for Tropical Agriculture submitted its Medium-Term 2005-7 Plan (pdf, 805KB)to promote the production, processing and marketing of fruits by rural communities.

Several papers on the relationship between trade and poverty follow:

Upcoming Events

January 10 – Seventh round of U.S. Panama FTA negotiations (tentative: Washington D.C.)

January TBD – Seventh round of U.S. – Andean FTA negotiations (tentative: Colombia)

January 18-20National Conference to Internationalize Extension (Orlando, FL.) -- The joint needs of responding to domestic diversity and the changing global perspective will be discussed.

February 28Annual International Roundtable on Competition and Trade Policy (Coral Gables, FLA) -- Roundtable will discuss changing competition in trade policy in the global economy. Agency heads from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, European Union, Italy, Mexico, U.S., and Venezuela are expected to attend.

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Fri, 15 Apr 2005 16:29:41 -0500