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Animal Management

Dairy, Livestock and Poultry

Department of Animal Science
Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences' Animal Science Department is devoted to undergraduate and graduate teaching, research and extension/outreach that focuses mostly on the biology and management of domestic animals. The outreach programs are described below.

Beef Cattle Management at Cornell University uses research based knowledge to improve the sustainability of the State's beef industry utilizing the natural, physical, labor and demographic resources of New York State. The goal is a beef industry which is economically and environmentally sustainable while being competitive in the local national and global area.

Total Dairy Management (TDM) at Cornell is designed for dairy farmers, agribusiness people and students with a sincere interest in understanding the principles of dairy farm management and applying them to progressive dairying. PRO-DAIRY enables farm families and agricultural professionals to realize their values and strive to achieve professional and personal goals.

Cornell Goat Management Program works to improve the sustainability of goat farmers in the northeast by providing educational resources and opportunities. The Empire State Meat Goats Producers Assoc. provides meat goat owners a forum for the exchange of information and ideas and to facilitate meat goat agricultural enterprises. Educational seminars are frequently presented on such topics as animal husbandry, herd health, parasite control, pasture and grazing management, marketing, record keeping and showmanship.

Cornell Poultry Program
Managed by Cornell's Department of Animal Science, this website provides archived copies of the Poultry Pointers Newsletter. They are available in PDF format for download.

The Cornell Sheep Program, is a global source of information about sheep, wool, sheep milk, and their management, production, and marketing in the Northeastern United States.

Medicinal Plants for Livestock is a series of web pages that attempt to answer some basic questions about the safety and efficacy of some medicinal plants. More plants will be added as information is available. Please read the introduction before reading about the plants. A related web page is Poisonous Plants.

Youth Animal Science Educational Efforts

Cornell Animal Science 4-H Youth Outreach:
The Cornell Animal Science Department has active extension programs for young producers of dairy, beef, sheep, swine, poultry and horses. In addition, the youth extension program provides for the interests of many of its clients in companion animals such as dogs, cats and rabbits.

National FFA Organization and New York State FFA Organziation
The FFA Organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of young people by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. The organization's motto is: Learning to Do; Doing to Learn; Earning to Live; Living to Serve.