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Applied Research and Extension
Program Councils and Program Work Teams

PC-PWT Home Page
About PCs and PWTs
Approved PWTs (list)
Alignment of PWTs with PCs
Program Council/Program Work Team Overview Presentation
Program Council Membership List
PWT Administrative and Program Contacts
College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
College of Human Ecology
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Cornell U. Agricultural Experiment Station
NY State Agricultural Experiment Station
Important Links
FY09-10 Priorities
Federal Formula Fund Calendar
For PWT Co-chairs
PWT Petition Form ("Zipped" archive of MS Word Document)
Last updated:
January 5, 2009






























































































Program Councils
Program councils are composed of Cornell academic department chairs, CCE county extension association executive directors, and numerous program stakeholders external to Cornell. The councils are organized around five major themes that are the focus of extension and experiment station activities.  These theme areas include: agriculture and food systems, quality of life for individuals and families, youth development, community and economic vitality, and natural resources and environment. The councils establish and refine program priorities for soliciting annual research and extension proposals and review the relevancy of research and extension proposals seeking federal Hatch Act, McIntire-Stennis Act, and Smith-Lever Act support.

Program Work Teams
Program Work Teams (PWT's) are affinity groups involving faculty and staff, extension educators, and external stakeholders.
PWT's provide a mechanism through which faculty and extension educators connect with stakeholders in identifying issues, studying needs, creating educational materials, and designing learning experiences that address these issues and needs within specific content areas.

PC Updates Available
An occasional update prepared for program council members by the CUAES/CCE/NYSAES administration was launched in late May 2004. The update was the result of feedback received from council members attending the January 2004 Program Council Conference at Cornell. Members felt that more communications should be sent their way, in between the once-yearly P.C. conferences.