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Decision Making and Valuation for Environmental Policy

EPA Grant Number: R830988
Title: Decision Making and Valuation for Environmental Policy
Investigators: Teisl, Mario F. , Jones, Sue , Rubin, Jonathan
Current Investigators: Teisl, Mario F. , Rubin, Jonathan
Institution: University of Maine , Natural Resources Council of Maine
Current Institution: University of Maine
EPA Project Officer: Wheeler, William
Project Period: September 1, 2003 through August 31, 2006 (Extended to August 31, 2007)
Project Amount: $399,979
RFA: Market Mechanisms and Incentives for Environmental Management (2002)
Research Category: Economics and Decision Sciences



To implement and study the effects of an eco-labeling and marketing program for vehicles sold in Maine (under the auspices of a voluntary agreement between the State's Department of Environmental Protection, the Maine Automobile Dealers Association and the Natural Resources Council of Maine).


To assess whether the program is successful in altering consumers' awareness, perceptions and behavior, the research will compare survey and sales data collected before and after the program. Unlike previous research that have studied the factors that influence individuals' attitudes toward, and willingness to pay for, environmental outcomes, we aim to measure how eco-information can be effective as a policy variable to change these factors. Further, we aim to translate any changes in market behavior due to the program into changes in fuel consumption and air quality.

Expected Results:

Our research will provide valuable information regarding the type of environmental information sought by vehicle consumers and how best to provide the information. Further, the research will develop and test the effectiveness of different eco-messages to promote purchases of environmentally preferred vehicles. Analysis of consumer reactions across individual characteristics provides important market segmentation information; allowing policy makers and manufacturers the ability to better target specific populations. Most importantly, the analysis will identify whether eco-information programs are effective in altering consumer attitudes, preferences and purchase behavior. This is particularly important because eco-labeling and marketing are becoming increasingly important in a world where other remedies are becoming more difficult to obtain, or could potentially violate international trade rules.

From a policy perspective, one aim of eco-information policies is to educate consumers about the environmental impacts of product consumption, thereby leading to changes in purchasing behavior, and ultimately, achieving an environmentally preferred outcome. However, whether informed customer choice will lead to a cleaner vehicle purchases is an open question; one which is of particular concern to policy makers because light-duty vehicles represent the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. Light-duty vehicles are also responsible for 18 percent of nitrogen oxide, 45 percent of carbon monoxide, and 26 percent of volatile organic compounds. The success of an eco-information program is contingent on consumers finding the information relevant, credible and easy to understand. Our research develops and tests the effectiveness of such a program.

Publications and Presentations:

Publications have been submitted on this project: View all 22 publications for this project

Journal Articles:

Journal Articles have been submitted on this project: View all 2 journal articles for this project

Supplemental Keywords:

experimental economics, marketing, green labeling, eco-information. , Economic, Social, & Behavioral Science Research Program, Scientific Discipline, RFA, POLLUTION PREVENTION, Social Science, decision-making, Energy, Economics & Decision Making, Ecology and Ecosystems, Economics and Business, Market mechanisms, green products, consumer perception, socioeconomics, decision making, eco-labeling, environmental marketing, environmental policy, market incentives, eco-efficiency, cost effectiveness, environmental economics, market valuation models, green vehicles, consumer behavior, energy efficiency, behavior change

Progress and Final Reports:
2004 Progress Report
Final Report

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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