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Mission Director: Michael Fritz

(Office/Name), USAID
c/o American Embassy/Sofia
Department of State
Washington, DC 20521-5740
Tel: 359-2-937-5101
Fax: 359-2-939-5748


Since 1990, the American people, through USAID, have contributed more than $600 million in economic and technical assistance to support Bulgaria’s transition to a market-based democracy. The USAID program in Bulgaria has evolved from its early, dual focus on humanitarian aid and political party strengthening to a broader development approach designed to help the country ocome the challenges of its transition to democratic governance and a market economy. Together with its partners, USAID has assisted with developing private bnesses, improving local democratic governance, supporting rule of law reforms, building new systems and institutions, enhancing human capacity to manage these changes, and addressing the needs of vulnerable populations. Bulgaria’s membership in the European Union, effective January 2007, will end economic assistance provided by USAID under the Support to Eastern European Democracy (SEED) Act in September 2008.

17 Years Cover

USAID in Bulgaria: 1990–2007 - Seventeen Years Hand in Hand

From our vantage point in 2007, it is striking how far Bulgaria has come since 1989. The march from a highly centralized communist state to a democratic, free market member of NATO and the European Union (EU) has been long and often uphill... Read More ...

Bulgaria in Action

USAID Logo“Na Chisto” Celebrates Five Years of Investigative Journalism

The USAID-supported weekly TV investigative program “Na Chisto” (Clean Slate) celebrated its fifth anniversary at a ceremony in Sofia in May 2008... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Democracy

Former USAID Administrator Andrew Natsios delivers a keynote speech to participants from Bulgaria and the western Balkans region at the 'Democracy That Delivers' conference.“Democracy That Delivers” Highlights Transitions in Bulgaria, Western Balkans

USAID/Bulgaria and the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) organized an international conference in Sofia on May 21, 2008 entitled “Democracy That Delivers: Unlocking the Potential of Transition”... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Democracy

USTOI Executive Director Pavel Velev (second from left), Boryana Karamiteva, Polina Pasakleva (USTOI staff), with micro-entrepreneur Lidia Dimitrova (second from right), and her son.Micro-Lending Supports Nearly 800 Roma Entrepreneurs

On May 30, 2008, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), microfinance institutions USTOI and Mikrofond, and USAID officially closed the Inclusive Business Development of Roma Communities Project... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Financial Markets

Closing Mission Donates Computers to Bulgarian Schools, NGOs

A school for deaf children in Sofia was among the beneficiaries of a computer donation by the USAID Mission to Bulgaria as part of its close-out process. Non-governmental organizations serving Roma children, five schools participating in the Junior Achievement program... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Education

Volunteering was a family affair for USAID/Bulgaria Mission Director Mike Fritz, who planted trees with his wife, Susan, and children, Kai and Cody, on April 5.U.S. Embassy Joins Local Volunteers to Make Stara Zagora Greener

On April 5, US embassy staff, American soldiers and hundreds of local volunteers planted 15,000 trees as part of the “Let’s Save the Forest” initiative in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Environment

Elena Gerdjikova addresses the audience on behalf of the first group of alumniBulgarian IT Experts Earn American Masters Degrees

The first 16 Bulgarian students to successfully complete the Master of Science in Information Systems at the Stevens Institute of Technology received their diplomas on October 30, 2007 at Sofia University... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Education

Na Chisto anchor Daniela Trencheva (right) interviewing a guest on the latest corruption investigationInvestigative Reporters Expose Corruption in Bulgaria

“Na Chisto” can be translated as “to come clean,” an apt title for a USAID-funded Bulgarian television program that since 2003 has been investigating allegations of corruption in the public sector... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Democracy

Thanks to USAID, a former state-run, Romanian orphanage has been transformed into a modern child welfare center. Six-year-old Adi* (pictured with Assistant Administrator Fore) attends an on-site day care program which delivers a comprehensive complement of rehabilitative treatments, *Not his real nameUSAID Welcomes Bulgaria, Romania as Sustaining Partners

USAID marked the culmination of 17 years of direct U.S. foreign assistance to Romania and Bulgaria. The two countries, now members of the European Union and NATO, have achieved key development milestones politically, economically, and socially... Read More ...

Related Items: Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia

Composting site near a Bulgarian villageComposting for a Cleaner Bulgaria

The Bulgarian government has passed new legislation making widely used, improvised dumpsites at village outskirts illegal. Local governments have been charged with finding new ways to collect and dispose of household waste... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Environment

USAID Mission Director Michael Fritz (right) and Nachala Chairman Petar Arnaudov (left) signed the guarantee on July 26 at Grand Hotel SofiaUSAID Enables Nachala to Expand Micro-Lending

On July 26, USAID signed a four-year portable guarantee agreement with the micro-lending cooperative Nachala. The guarantee agreement will enable Nachala to seek financing from local and international financial institutions on favorable conditions... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Financial Markets

The Supreme Judicial Council building in SofiaNew Department to Continue Bulgarian Court Improvements

Seven years of USAID work toward Bulgarian court improvement became another USAID legacy on July 11 when the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) created a Department of Court Administration... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

Bulgarian and American volunteers visit Simitli to offer advice about the municipal newsletterVolunteers Offer Expertise to Grassroots Initiatives

A group of Peace Corps volunteers and the Bulgarian Center for Development and Training (BCDT)—an NGO formed by the staff of the USAID Participant Training Program—recently conducted a series of pilot initiatives... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Education

(From left) USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator Thomas Fleetwood Mefford stands with the Mayor of Blagoevgrad Lazar Prichkapov and the Director of Nachala Petar Anraudov in front of one of Nachala's newly-outfitted 'mobile branches'Minivans Deliver Microcredit to Bulgaria’s Remote Regions

On June 19, Thomas Fleetwood Mefford, USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia, inaugurated the first “mobile” branches of the Nachala microfinance institution at a ceremony in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Financial Market

NIJ staff and partners inaugurate one of the NIJ's new training roomsIn New Center, National Institute of Justice Sees Promising Future

After over a year of planning, design, and construction, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) opened its new building on May 4 in Sofia, further expanding the reach of judiciary training in Bulgaria... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Education

The Bulgarian PEA Chamber president greets his Romanian colleaguesInnovation Enhances Monitoring of Judgment Enforcement

USAID’s Commercial Law Reform Program (CLRP) publicly presented the newly-developed Judgment Enforcement Performance Monitoring System (JEPMS) in the city of Russe, Bulgaria on April 20... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

The new children's interview room at the Institute of Psychology will be available to the Sofia courtsSofia Courts Open First Children’s Interview Room

One of the most difficult issues facing Bulgaria’s judiciary was addressed with the opening of a dedicated space for interviewing child participants in court proceedings on April 20 at the Ministry of the Interior in Sofia... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Health

US Ambassador Beyrle discusses local government issues with Lachezar Rossenov, Chair of the Board of FLGR and GinkaKapitanova, FLGR Executive DirectorBulgarian Local Government Initiative Celebrates Achievements

At a conference on April 17, USAID celebrated the successful completion of its local government reform assistance program in Bulgaria... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Institutional Reform

Chief Prosecutor Boris Velchev addresses the new entering class of junior prosecutors at the National Institute of Justice. Supreme Court of Cassation Chair Ivan Grigorov (center) and NIJ Director Pencho Penev also addressed this third class of young magistratesNew Prosecutor Class Uses USAID-Supported Curriculum

Bulgaria’s newest entering class of junior prosecutors began its studies at the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) on March 19—and is the first class to use new curriculum designed with the support from the USAID Judicial Strengthening Initiative... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Education

(From left) Michael Fritz, USAID/Bulgaria Mission Director, Chris Thompson, USAID Commercial Law Reform Program Chief of Party and His Excellency Willem van Ee, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Bulgaria attended the March 8 screeningUSAID Study Tour Featured on Bulgarian Television

On March 8, the USAID Commercial Law Reform Program (CLRP) organized an advance public viewing of Bulgarian National Television’s “The Law and Us” program, which featured a recent USAID study tour to the Netherlands... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Democracy

U.S. Ambassador to Bulgaria, John Beyrle, discusses commercial registration reform implementation with Deputy Minister of Justice Anna Karaivanova and Parliamentary Member Ianaki StoilovCommercial Law Reform Program Celebrates Successes

After three years of promoting reforms, the USAID/Bulgaria Commercial Law Reform Program (CLRP) announced the completion of work in three of its four program areas... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Institutional Reform

Chamber Chairman Georgi Dichev (center) talks about the two violent assaults, flanked by Svetozara Petkova of USAID (right) and Ivan Cholakov, a Chamber Board member (left)Private Enforcement Agents Speak Out Against Violence

Bulgaria’s new profession of private judgment enforcement agents, established with support from the USAID Commercial Law Reform Program (CLRP) last year, broke new ground at its national conference in November... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

Katilin Popov, private enforcement agent and journalists Diana Tusheva and Vassil Chobanov in a televised discussion on the public image of private enforcement agentsCLRP Seminar Initiates TV Debate on Private Enforcement Agents

On November 8, the USAID Commercial Law Reform Program (CLRP) helped organize a televised debate entitled “Private Enforcement Agents – Vicious Collectors or Knights of the Law?”... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

Estonian hosts shared tips for maximizing local development opportunities after EU accessionEstonia Shares Development Lessons with New EU Countries

From October 8-15, a group of local development experts from eight Bulgarian municipalities traveled to Estonia for training on Improving the Economic Development Environment of Local Communities... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Business Development

Service with a smile: The new court information center in Dobrich opens to the publicNew Steps in Court Transparency in Dobrich

The Dobrich District and Regional Courts opened a new information center on October 12—a result of their active participation in the Courts in Partnership Program of USAID’s Judicial Strengthening Initiative... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

Three new Model Court Chairpersons enjoy their USAID honors: District Court Judges Daniel Minov of Veliko Tarnovo, Tatyana Alexandrova of Vratsa, and Deyan Subev of Kurdjali (left to right)Bulgaria Boasts More Model Courts

Three more Bulgarian courts achieved Model Court status in a ceremony on 30 September in Sofia. The District Courts of Kurdjali, Veliko Tarnovo, and Vratsa joined thirteen other USAID Model Courts... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

Teachers take part in a role-play exercise at the Junior Achievement Bulgaria teacher training courseJunior Achievement Bulgaria Trains Teachers on Economics and Entrepreneurship

Marking significant progress in the development of business education in secondary schools, the largest-ever Junior Achievement (JA) Bulgaria teacher certificate training course on economics and entrepreneurship took place in Sofia September 8-10... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Education

Hundreds of veterinarians were trained on controlling an AI outbreak in Domestic poultryBulgarian Vets Prepare for Avian Influenza

USAID/Bulgaria completed training for 432 state and private veterinarians in five locations in Bulgaria on the essentials of controlling highly pathogenic Avian Influenza... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Health

Oleg Stoilov, Deputy Chair of the Board of the Stara Zagora Community Fund at the ceremonyInnovative Program in Bulgaria Leaves Sustainable Legacy

The USAID Community Fund and Social Enterprise Program celebrated its successful completion on September 20 at the Radisson Hotel in Sofia... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Social Programs

JSI Acting Director Virginia Leavitt (second from right) addresses the disabilities Court Watch seminar in SofiaCourt Watch NGO Presents Findings on Disability Access

Following a 10-month study of access for persons with disabilities in Bulgarian courts, USAID sub-grantee, Center for Independent Living, presented its findings on September 5 in Sofia... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

Ambassador Beyrle addresses the participantsLaw Program Success Leads to New Launch

The USAID Attorneys’ Professional Development Initiative (APDI) celebrated its successful completion on September 8 at the Central Military Club in Sofia, Bulgaria... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Education

Raya Dimova, a Sofia public prosecutor, celebrates receiving her LLM in International Legal StudiesBulgarian Lawyers Receive Georgetown Degrees

Raya Dimova, a public prosecutor for the city of Sofia, and Hristina Valtcheva, legal counsel for the Financial Supervision Commission of Bulgaria, received master degrees from the Georgetown University Law Center this spring... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Education

A boy in Radnevo enjoys a new playground built as a collaborative initiative of a grassroots community organizationCommunity Fund Opens Playground

Children in the town of Radnevo have a new playground, thanks to their parents’ volunteer work and the Happy Childhood Project of the local grassroots organization “Iniziativa Za” (“Initiative For”)... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Democracy

NGO chair Emil Kyuchukov, Counterpart Chief of Party Hugh Orosco and Mission Director Mike Fritz open a new center for people with disabilities in SofiaUSAID-supported Social Enterprise Offers New Services to Disabled in Sofia

On August 9, Mission Director Michael Fritz inaugurated the new branch of the Health for Everyone Association in Sofia... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Health

Dessislava Simeonova, Project Coordinator of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, receives a certificate for her organization's grant award from Acting USAID/Bulgaria Mission Director Gene GibsonLocal NGOs Launch Projects to Support Court Transparency and Efficiency

Following an intense competition, 27 NGOs from diverse regions of Bulgaria received small grant awards in Sofia on July 27... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

Teachers from tourism vocational schools get hands-on training in customer service and hospitality at the Sheraton Hotel in SofiaBulgarian Tourism Teachers Sharpen Skills

A group of 16 teachers from 10 tourism vocational schools participated in the first internship program of its kind in Bulgaria... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Education

Judge Ken Stuart, Director of the USAID JSI (seated, center), joins Targovishte judges and students following a mock trial at the JSI Regional Grantee ExhibitionBulgaria Judicial Reform Grantees Hold Regional Exhibition

Four USAID grantees held a public exhibition on the work of courts on June 27th in Targovishte, Bulgaria.  The joint effort was part of USAID Judicial Strengthening Initiative (JSI) work to support... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

Court clerks from all over Bulgaria at work during one of 26 USAID customer service trainingsUSAID Caps Five Years of Court Clerk Customer Service Trainings

Completing a five-year chapter of work with Bulgaria’s court clerks, the USAID Judicial Strengthening Initiative (JSI) delivered its final customer service training on May 25 - 26 in Sofia... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

In accordance with Bulgarian tradition, U.S. Ambassador Beyrle receives bread to symbolize the start of a new ventureUS Ambassador and Sofia Mayor Inaugurate One-Stop Service Centers

U.S. Ambassador to Bulgaria John Beyrle and Sofia Mayor Boyko Borissov inaugurated the first municipal customer service centers in Sofia’s Studentski, Mladost and Vazrazhdane districts on June 12th... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Institutional Reform

U.S. Ambassador Beyrle and Minister Vassilev presented certificates to participants in a workshop on teaching EnglishBulgarian Administrators Seek to Improve English Language Skills

More than 40 U.S. Peace Corps volunteers and their Bulgarian counterparts received certificates for successful completion of the first workshop on Conversational English Teaching Methodology last week... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Education

Residents negotiate waters in a flooded village near the DanubeUSAID Provides Support to the Flooded Areas near the Danube

Since April 12, 2006, the Danube River has flooded several settlements on the Bulgarian side of the river causing damage similar in size and economic impact to the devastations from last year... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Environment

USAID/Bulgaria Mission Director Michael Fritz greets corporate recruiters at the fifth annual forumUSAID Partners with Nestle Bulgaria, JobTiger to Produce Internship and Career Forum for University Students

The Fifth Annual Internship and Careers Forum was held on March 16, 2006 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The forum creates career and Human Resources development opportunities for university students and employers... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Education

USAID/Bulgaria Mission Director Michael Fritz (left) congratulates Mayor Stovkov of SevlievoSeventeen Bulgarian Municipalities to Out-Source Social Services

USAID/Bulgaria’s Community Fund and Social Enterprise program, implemented by Counterpart International in partnership with the Bulgarian Center for Not-for-profit Law... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Social Programs

Top-Ranked U.S. IT program to be piloted in BulgariaSteven Institute and Sofia University launch Joint MSc in Information Systems

Stevens Institute of Technology, one of the oldest private engineering institutions in the US, opened its Masters of Science in Information Systems program in Sofia, in cooperation with Sofia University and with the support of USAID... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Education

A Varna workshop on marketing in late 2005 drew a diverse group of enthusiastic managersCEED has launched its first training in Varna and Burgas

The Bulgarian Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (CEED) was officially launched on September, 20, 2005 with the support of USAID and the Small Enterprise Assistance Fund (SEAF)... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Business Development

Deputy Chief of Mission Jeff Levine accepts the honor on behalf of the U.S. EmbassyU.S. Government Receives 2005 Benefactor of the Year Award for Work in Bulgaria

The Benefactor Foundation presented the US Government and US Agency for International Development with a 2005 Benefactor of Bulgaria Award for assistance and support to the Bulgarian people during the floods of 2005... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Environment

Daniel Lukov, Chair of the Assenovgrad Regional Court accepts Partners Bulgaria Foundation prize for 'Most Tolerant Person'Bulgarian Regional Court Chairman Honored for Tolerance

The Mediation Center in Assenovgrad established by Partners Bulgaria Foundation and funded by USAID bestowed the prize for “Most Tolerant Person” to Mr. Daniel Lukov, Chair of the Regional Court for 8 years... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

Local Economic Development staff are ready for businessTwelve Bulgarian Municipalities Open for Business Development

Municipal Local Economic Development is a relatively new but growing concept in Bulgaria. In order to facilitate that growth, USAID has established its municipal local economic development (LED) program in Bulgaria... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Business Development

Three of the 'Donor of the Year' honoreesBulgarian Community Leaders Celebrate Philanthropy and Social Entrepreneurship

On December 5, 2005, USAID sponsored the Fair for Social Change, which promoted projects, partnerships and products with social-added value in Bulgaria... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Social Programs

USAID seeks to educate managers on how to more effectively compete in the global marketTraining DVD Targets Bulgarian Apparel Industry

More than 2500 apparel and textile companies generate a quarter of all Bulgarian exports and employ more than 170,000 people. The apparel industry faces severe threats from global competition... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Business Development

Ambassador Beyrle urges Bulgaria to summon the political will to effect meaningful long-term reformsThe Bulgarian Judiciary Get the Message on Corruption

The Second National Judicial Conference sponsored by USAID brought together over 700 Bulgarian judges to discuss and debate various substantive and administrative issues... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

Lieutenant-Colonel Ivailo Damianov of the Regional Police Force based in Dupnitsa, Bulgaria was recognized for his commitment to working across diverse communitiesRegional Police Chief Receives Tolerance Award

For the second year in a row, the Mediation Center in Dupnitsa, established through USAID’s Ethnic Integration project, bestowed a prize for “The Tolerant Person of the Year”... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Democracy

A CraftsmanStara Zagora Supports Its Roma Craftsmen

On October 31, 2005, six Roma craftsmen from the Technitari Union in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria received free equipment and instruments for maintenance and development... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Business Development

BCCI’s Sofia headquarters and home to the new Commercial Mediation CenterOldest Bulgarian Business Association Opens Commercial Mediation Center

On October 27, 2005, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) officially opened its Commercial Mediation Center... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Business Development

(From left) Judge Enchev and USAID/Bulgaria Mission Director Mike Fritz sign the Memorandum of Understanding to establish court partnershipTwo Bulgarian Courts Join USAID-funded Courts in Partnership Program

The USAID-sponsored Courts in Partnership initiative provides a framework for important work on judicial reform and rule of law are issues in Bulgaria... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

Grand Award for Television at The Bulgarian Europe Festival in RusseUSAID Professional Media Program Renders a Winner

On October 15, 2005, Na Chisto (Clean Slate) won the Grand Award for Television at The Bulgarian Europe Festival in Russe... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

USAID Lends Support to Bulgarian-Iraq Economic Forum

With the financial and administrative support of USAID, an Iraqi-Bulgarian business seminar was organized by the Bulgarian-Iraqi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BICCI)... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Infrastructure

Bulgaria Appoints Roma Minister

The new government of Bulgaria, under Prime Minister Stanishev recently appointed Mr. Yavor Dimitrov, 41, as Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Democracy

Mefford (left) and Minov (right) finalize the partnership agreement Veliko Tarnovo District Court and USAID Sign On for Future Collaboration

Thomas Fleetwood Mefford, the USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia, met with the Veliko Tarnovo District Court Chairman, Daniel Minov... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

The $15 million loan guarantee agreement signed by USAID’s Mefford (left) and and HVB Bank Biochim’s Harold (right) is expected to boost infrastructure developmentNew Loan Guarantee Facility Opens New Opportunity for Bulgaria’s Municipalities

On September 28, 2005, USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe & Eurasia Thomas Fleetwood Mefford and HVB Bank Biochim Chief Executive Officer Peter Harold signed a $15 million loan portfolio guarantee agreement... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Infrastructure

New USAID Mission Director for Bulgaria Sworn In

On July 26, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) announced the swearing in of Michael Fritz as its new Mission Director for Bulgaria... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria

Ribbon Cutting CeremonyBulgaria Celebrates New National Institute of Justice Building

Bulgaria’s Day of Awareness and Intellectual Pursuit was celebrated this year with the inauguration ceremony of the new building for the National Institute of Justice (NIJ)... Read More ...

Related Items: Bulgaria, Rule of Law

USAID Administrator Natsios$25 Million Raised for Balkans Through Public-Private Partnership: Donors Leverage Funds to Solidify Democracy

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation are pleased to announce a new $25 million initiative to support good governance in Southeastern Europe. The grant-making effort, called the Balkan Trust for Democracy, is a project of GMF made possible through a public-private partnership between GMF, USAID, and the Mott Foundation. Read More ...

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Wed, 09 Jul 2008 17:18:03 -0500