Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Midwest Region

Who We Are

Fact Sheet
Refuge Map
Refuge History

What We Do

Moist Soil Management
Cropland Management
Grassland Management
Partners for Wildlife


Latest Bird Count
Resident Wildlife
Bird List

Public Use

Visitor Center
Waterfowl Hunting
Deer Hunting
Wildlife Obervation



Small Wetlands Program

Duck Stamp photo

2008 Federal Duck Stamp Contest

Contact Us

Phone: 660-856-3323
V/TTY: 800-735-2966
16194 Swan Lake Avenue
Sumner, MO 64681

Bird List

The refuge's 10,795 acres comprise a wide variety of habitat types. Silver Lake is a permanent body of water covering 3,000 acres. An additional 3,500 acres are wetlands in which water levels are manipulated to produce natural waterfowl foods.

To supplement natural foods, about 1,000 acres of land are farmed for corn, milo, clover, wheat, and soybeans. Bottomland forests, abandoned fields in various stages of succession, and a native prairie provide other types of wildlife habitat. This diversity of habitat supports a large variety of birds.

Photo of migrating snow geese - Photo credit:  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service / Photo by Gary M. Stolz

This bird list contains 241 species which have been recorded on the refuge. Another fourteen birds, listed under Accidentals, have been reported but are not normally expected to be present.

Swan Lake National Wildlife Refuge Bird Checklist

a = Abundant - Common species that is numerous
c = Common - Almost certain to be seen or heard in suitable habitat
u = Uncommon - Present, but not certain to be seen
o = Occasional - Seen only a few times during a season
r = Rare - Seen at intervals of 2 to 5 years
(E) = Endangered
* = Species that nests on or near the Refuge

S=Spring (Mar - May)
s=Summer (Jun - Aug)
F=Fall (Sep - Nov)
W=Winter (Dec - Feb)

Herons | Waterfowl | Hawks | Rails | Shorebirds | Gulls | Owls | Woodpeckers.
Flycatchers | Swallows | Wrens | Thrushes | Warblers | Sparrows | Finches | Bottom
Common Name S s F W
Loons Legend
Common Loon r   u  
Grebes Legend
Pied-billed Grebe c o c  
Horned Grebe o   o  
Eared Grebe r   r  
Western Grebe r   r  
Pelicans Legend
American White Pelican c u a  
Cormorants Legend
Double-crested Cormorant u o o  
Herons and Bitterns Legend
American Bittern u u u  
Least Bittern r u r  
Great Blue Heron * c a c u
Great Egret c c c  
Snowy Egret o o r  
Little Blue Heron r o o  
Cattle Egret o o o  
Green Heron * o o o  
Black-crowned Night Heron u u o  
Yellow-crowned Night Heron * o o r  
Swans, Geese, and Ducks Legend
Tundra Swan r   r r
Greater White-fronted Goose   r o c
Snow Goose r r c a
Ross's Goose     r o
Canada Goose a u a a
Wood Duck * u c c o
Green-winged Teal c o c u
American Black Duck r   r r
Mallard * o u c a
Northern Pintail c o a c
Blue-winged Teal c u a o
Cinnamon Teal r   r r
Northern Shoveler c o a o
Gadwall c   c u
American Wigeon u   c u
Canvasback u   r o
Redhead o   o u
Ring-necked Duck c r u c
Lesser Scaup c   o c
Common Goldeneye u   u u
Bufflehead o   o o
Hooded Merganser o u u o
Common Merganser o   u u
Red-breasted Merganser o   r r
Ruddy Duck c r o o
Vultures Legend
Turkey Vulture c c c  
Hawks and Eagles Legend
Osprey r r r  
Bald Eagle o r c c
Northern Harrier * c o c c
Sharp-shinned Hawk u o u u
Cooper's Hawk o u o o
Northern Goshawk     r r
Red-shouldered Hawk u u u u
Broad-winged Hawk o   c  
Swainson's Hawk r   r r
Red-tailed Hawk * c c c c
Rough-legged Hawk o   u u
Golden Eagle r   r r
Falcons Legend
American Kestrel * c u c c
Merlin o   o r
Peregrine Falcon (E) u   u r
Upland Game Birds Legend
Ring-necked Pheasant u u u u
Wild Turkey * u u u u
Northern Bobwhite * c c c c
Rails and Coots Legend
King Rail * r r    
Virginia Rail u r r  
Sora u r c  
American Coot a u a r
Common Moorhen r r r  
Cranes Legend
Sandhill Crane r r r  
Shorebirds Legend
Black-bellied Plover u r o  
American Golden Plover c r c  
Semipalmated Plover c u o  
Piping Plover r   r  
Killdeer * c c c o
American Avocet r r r  
Greater Yellowlegs c u c  
Lesser Yellowlegs a c a  
Solitary Sandpiper u c o  
Willet c r u  
Spotted Sandpiper * c u u  
Upland Sandpiper * o o o  
Whimbrel o r r  
Hudsonian Godwit u   o  
Marbled Godwit r   r  
Ruddy Turnstone u   o  
Red Knot o   o  
Sanderling u u o  
Semipalmated Sandpiper c u c  
Western Sandpiper r   u  
Least Sandpiper c u c  
Baird's Sandpiper u r u  
Pectoral Sandpiper a c a  
Dunlin o   c  
Stilt Sandpiper u o c  
Buff-breasted Sandpiper o r o  
Short-billed Dowitcher c u c  
Long-billed Dowitcher c u c  
Common Snipe c u c r
American Woodcock o u u r
Wilson's Phalarope u r u  
Red-necked Phalarope r   r  
Gulls and Terns Legend
Franklin's Gull c u c r
Bonaparte's Gull o r c r
Ring-billed Gull c c c o
Herring Gull r r o o
Caspian Tern u r u r
Common Tern o o o  
Forster's Tern u o c  
Least Tern o u o  
Black Tern c c u  
Doves Legend
Rock Dove * o c c o
Mourning Dove * c a c o
Cuckoos and Roadrunners Legend
Black-billed Cuckoo u u u  
Yellow-billed Cuckoo * c c o  
Owls Legend
Common Barn Owl r r r r
Eastern Screech Owl * u u u u
Great Horned Owl * c c c c
Snowy Owl     r  
Barred Owl * c c c c
Short-eared Owl o r o o
Long-eared Owl r r r o
Nighthawks and Nightjars Legend
Common Nighthawk * u u u  
Whip-poor-will * u u u  
Swifts Legend
Chimney Swift * u o u  
Hummingbirds Legend
Ruby-throated Hummingbird u c c  
Kingfishers Legend
Belted Kingfisher * u c o o
Woodpeckers Legend
Red-Headed Woodpecker * c c c o
Red-bellied Woodpecker * c c c c
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker o r o r
Downy Woodpecker * c c c c
Hairy Woodpecker * u u u u
Northern Flicker * c c c c
Pileated Woodpecker * u u u u
Flycatchers Legend
Olive-sided Flycatcher o r u  
Eastern Wood Pewee * u c u  
Acadian Flycatcher u u r  
Willow Flycatcher u u r  
Eastern Phoebe * c c c  
Great Crested Flycatcher * u c o  
Western Kingbird r   r  
Eastern Kingbird * c c c  
Larks Legend
Horned Lark * c c u u
Swallows Legend
Purple Martin o o r  
Tree Swallow * c c c  
Northern Rough-winged Swallow c c a  
Bank Swallow c c c  
Cliff Swallow u o u  
Barn Swallow * c c c  
Jays, Magpies and Crows Legend
Blue Jay * c c c c
American Crow * c c a c
Chickadees and Titmice Legend
Black-capped Chickadee * c c c c
Tufted Titmouse * c c c c
Nuthatches Legend
Red-breasted Nuthatch r   r o
White-breasted Nuthatch u u u u
Creepers Legend
Brown Creeper u   u u
Wrens Legend
Carolina Wren r r r r
House Wren * c c c  
Winter Wren       r
Sedge Wren * o c o  
Marsh Wren o o u  
Kinglets, Bluebirds, and Thrushes Legend
Golden-crowned Kinglet c   c u
Ruby-crowned Kinglet u   u u
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher * u u r  
Eastern Bluebird * c u c r
Gray-cheeked Thrush o      
Swainson's Thrush u r u  
Hermit Thrush u   u  
Wood Thrush * u o u  
American Robin * c c c o
Mimics Legend
Gray Catbird * c c c  
Northern Mockingbird * u u u r
Brown Thrasher * c c c  
Pipits Legend
American Pipit u   u  
Waxwings Legend
Cedar Waxwing c u c u
Shrikes Legend
Loggerhead Shrike * u u u u
Starlings Legend
European Starling * c c c c
Vireos Legend
White-eyed Vireo r r r  
Bell's Vireo * u u u  
Solitary Vireo o   o  
Yellow-throated Vireo u u r  
Warbling Vireo * c c u  
Red-eyed Vireo * c c c  
Warblers Legend
Blue-winged Warbler u r u  
Tennessee Warbler u   u  
Nashville Warbler u   u  
Northern Parula u u r  
Yellow Warbler * u u r  
Chestnut-sided Warbler u   u  
Magnolia Warbler u   u  
Yellow-rumped Warbler c   c o
Blackburnian Warbler u   u  
Blackpoll Warbler u   o  
Black-and-white Warbler u   u  
American Redstart * c u c  
Prothonotary Warbler u r r  
Ovenbird u r u  
Louisiana Waterthrush u r u  
Kentucky Warbler r      
Mourning Warbler u   r  
Common Yellowthroat c c c  
Wilson's Warbler u   u  
Yellow-breasted Chat o   o  
Tanagers Legend
Summer Tanager o o o  
Sparrows, Buntings, and Grosbeaks Legend
Northern Cardinal * c c c c
Rose-breasted Grosbeak * u u u  
Indigo Bunting * c c c  
Dickcissel * a a c  
Rufous-sided Towhee * c c c  
American Tree Sparrow u   u c
Chipping Sparrow * u u u  
Field Sparrow * u u u r
Vesper Sparrow u r u  
Lark Sparrow u o r  
Savannah Sparrow c r c  
Grasshopper Sparrow * c u c  
Le Conte's Sparrow o   o  
Sharp-tailed Sparrow r   r  
Fox Sparrow u   u r
Song Sparrow * c c c u
Lincoln's Sparrow o   o r
Swamp Sparrow u o u u
White-throated Sparrow c   c u
White-crowned Sparrow u   u u
Harris' Sparrow o   o r
Dark-eyed Junco u   u c
Lapland Longspur u   u o
Snow Bunting       r
Blackbirds and Orioles Legend
Bobolink u r u  
Red-winged Blackbird * a a a c
Eastern Meadowlark * c c c c
Western Meadowlark r r r r
Yellow-headed Blackbird r   r  
Rusty Blackbird u   u o
Brewer's Blackbird o   o  
Common Grackle * a c a c
Brown-headed Cowbird * c c c u
Orchard Oriole * c c o  
Baltimore Oriole * c c o  
Finches Legend
Purple Finch c   c u
Pine Siskin r   r r
Common Redpoll r   r r
American Goldfinch * c c c c
Old World Sparrows Legend
House Sparrow * c c c c
Accidental Birds Legend

Tricolored Heron
White-faced Ibis
Glossy Ibis
Roseate Spoonbill
Greater Scaup
Surf Scoter
Mississippi Kite

Ferruginous Hawk
Common Moorhen
Sprague's Pipit
Golden-winged Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Lark Bunting
Great-tailed Grackle

Last updated: July 18, 2008