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Cheer Dried Fruit Finding New International Markets

In the sun-soaked fields of Armavir Marz lays an inspiring success story. The Cheer company produces dried fruits and vegetables for export and has been a DAIASME partner for more than three years.

The Development Alternatives Incorporated – Agricultural Small and Medium Enterprise (DAI-ASME) project has supported Cheer through various training programs (traceability, food safety/management) and cost-share grants for participation in international trade shows and for local marketing activities. After improving product quality and marketing, Cheer attracted more customers, including new European buyers in prime export markets such as Switzerland and France. Indeed, Cheer has needed to expand to meet demand, and DAI-ASME provide two cost-share grants to facilitate the expansion.

Cheer increased its production capacity 125% by adding 2 new solar dryers, 2 artificial gas-driven dryers, a processing plant and a cold storage facility. Additionally, Cheer has improved sanitary conditions and implemented food-safety control systems. As a result, 15 new jobs were added, and Cheer’s export revenues increased 158% to $110,000 in 2003.

Cheer has used its experience to benefit others. With DAI-ASME support, the firm provided two training programs for smallscale solar dryer operators and it has been active in developing sound out-grower networks for the supply of raw materials for their own drying operations.

Additionally, with DAI-ASME help, Cheer has taken the lead in forming the Armenian national “Association of Dried Food Producers”. The Association was established in April 2003, and it now counts 52 member producers who work together to give the industry a united voice, share information, and address shared challenges.

Dried fruit and vegetables continue to be an important component of export development in Armenia. DAI-ASME is supporting the association as it expands its membersupport and training services, and as it expands its geographic outreach. This cooperative effort between Cheer, the Association and DAI-ASME promises to bring further increases in Armenian exports and employment.

Fruit being prepared to dry Beirut International Food Show Horeca 2004
Fruit being prepared to dry Beirut International Food Show Horeca 2004

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Mon, 19 Dec 2005 15:03:37 -0500