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Clergy Joins Fight Against Human Trafficking

Religious organizations, considered to be among the most sustainable and influential social institutions in Ukraine, are one of the key links in the powerful chain that links international anti-trafficking efforts with a variety of institutions nationwide. Many religious leaders are at the forefront of the effort to eradicate this violent crime.

Last year, the Rev. Andriy Pinchuk, an Orthodox priest, received an International Organization for Migration (IOM) Counter-Trafficking Award for having helped a 15-year-old victim of sexual exploitation to reintegrate into society after she returned to Ukraine, including assisting her to relearn her native tongue and complete a basic education. United States Ambassador John E. Herbst, who presented the award to the priest, said: “All of us should actively show the compassion, the support and the love that the Rev. Pinchuk has exhibited, so every victim will understand that s/he has nothing to fear. They need to know they have nothing to be ashamed of, but should step forward and ask for help with the full confidence that we will provide. We can put an end to this tragedy once and for all if we work together.”

Father Andriy Pinchuk expresses his thanks after receiving an IOM Counter-Trafficking Award
Father Andriy Pinchuk expresses his thanks after receiving an IOM Counter-Trafficking Award
Photo Credit: IOM

Today, more and more religious organizations are getting involved in combating trafficking. To broaden the range of channels through which information about trafficking is provided, IOM has launched a Training of Trainers initiative for religious leaders across Ukraine. Those trained can in turn reach out to their parishes and conduct prevention activities in their communities.

In Kyiv, the Training of Trainers was recently held for leaders of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. After-wards, the Crimean Eparchy conducted four seminars of their own for priests and seminary students on how to counter trafficking in human beings. During an official meeting of leading clergy in Crimea, Metropolitan Lazarus of Crimea spoke on the issue, and gave his blessing for  local priests to start raising awareness within their parishes, as well as informing children during Sunday school classes. All 260 priests who attended received educational brochures describing the trafficking problem.

In western Ukraine, Lviv Archbishop Augustine of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church discussed the importance of counter-trafficking during an eparchial gathering of the clergy attended by 60 priests.

Additionally, IOM has conducted multiple workshops for representatives of various faiths around Ukraine, including Baptist, Pentecostal, Evangelical, New Life and the Nazarene confessions, as well as with religious-based organizations such as CCX and Emmanuel. IOM has also established contacts with other religious-based organizations, including the Salvation Army and Jesuit Refugee Services that are also willing to contribute to counter-trafficking activities.

In response to the information on human trafficking provided to various religious communities, members of these communities have approached IOM for additional informational materials, as well as to inquire about initiatives related to conducting awareness-raising campaigns in their congregations and broader projects involving clergy around Ukraine. Such enthusiasm clearly indicates that religious organizations are taking an active stand in support of countering trafficking in persons.

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Fri, 02 May 2008 12:30:13 -0500