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Forty Families in Need Receive New Homes

The cost for renovating the new apartments was shared between USAID and the Serbian Municipality of Mladenovac
The cost for renovating the new apartments was shared between USAID and the Serbian Municipality of Mladenovac

The Mladenovac municipality, located south of Belgrade, recently awarded 40 renovated apartments to refugees, internally displaced persons, and locally vulnerable residents. The new tenants were presented keys to their homes by U.S. Ambassador Michael Polt and Mladenovac Municipal President Zoran Kostic in late October 2005. The apartments, housed in two newly renovated buildings, are one of the latest results of an ongoing collaboration between USAID's Community Revitalization through Democratic Action (CRDA) program, which began in Mladenovac in 2004, and the Mladenovac City Planning Office.

Originally abandoned by a developer years ago, the buildings were completely renovated to provide permanent housing for homeless Serbian residents. Through cash and in-kind support, the Mladenovac City Planning Office matched $468,000 provided by the American people through USAID to complete the renovations. USAID partner ACDI/VOCA managed the project, which had a total value of $956,000.

Resettlement of locally vulnerable residents, internally displaced persons, and refugees continues to be a priority for USAID. In Mladenovac, successful resettlement allows further work toward another prime goal shared by both the United States and Serbia: an increased standard of living and better job opportunity for all citizens.

U.S. Ambassador Michael C. Polt and Mladenovac Municipal President Zoran Kostic present apartment keys to a new tenant
U.S. Ambassador Michael C. Polt and Mladenovac Municipal President Zoran Kostic present apartment keys to a new tenant

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Fri, 02 May 2008 12:26:40 -0500