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JA Azerbaijan Hosts ‘School Business Day’ Student Competitions

Junior Achievement (JA) Azerbaijan recently held its Student Business Day encompassing three simultaneous activities: the finals of the “Student Companies” project competition; a student product fair; and, the finals of National Competition on Economics;. The event, held in Baku, was conducted as part of the School Economics Education Program (SEE) funded by USAID and private sponsors.

Since 2005, “Student Companies” has helped Azerbaijan’s students apply economics knowledge and entrepreneurship skills in creating business plans for running a private company. In 2006, the project brought together thirty schools across Azerbaijan to develop economic and business skills. Based on test results, eighty students were selected to participate in the second round which involved online training sessions, where, guided by business professionals from Garadagh Cement and KCA Deutag, the students learned the principles of creating a company and business-plan writing. At the Student Business Day event, finalists from Baku schools #164, 95, Sumqayit #15, Mingechevir #3, and Goychay #3 presented business plans and product samples to a panel of judges consisting of business specialists from McDermott Caspian Contractors, Statoil Azerbaijan, USAID, the Eurasia Foundation, and AIG. The jury board evaluated each business plan and presentation based on feasibility, expedience, originality and performance characteristics. School #15 from Sumqayit was awarded first place.

Since October 2006, the National Competition on Economics has engaged 58 student-teams from 36 SEE schools in Baku, Sumqayit, Barda, Ganje, Yevlakh, Ismayilli, Mingechevir, and Lenkaran. The teams competed with each other by making critical economics and management decisions on pricing, production units, marketing strategies and investments into research and development. These decisions affected each team’s performance index. Eight teams representing Baku schools #210, 258, 164, 220, 132, 95, 114 and Zangi Lyceum met in the final round, where, after a three-hour stiff competition the student-team from Baku school #132 became the winners.

Student Business Day concluded with an awards ceremony, during which Anne Derse, the US Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Vusal Khanlarov, JA Azerbaijan Executive Director, and Farzali Qadirov, the Head of Strategic Planning Department at the Ministry of Education each congratulated the participants and presented certificates and prizes.

During her speech, Ambassador Derse noted the role of USAID’s School Economics program in forming a new generation of business leaders in Azerbaijan.

“Secondary school programs are particularly effective for building the qualities necessary for business success at an early age. [Programs that] highlight the importance of business planning and the development of fundamental skills and abilities are necessary for successfully operating a business and making key management decisions,“ she said.

Winners from both the Student Companies and National Competition on Economics also received the opportunity to further their exploration of potential careers in business by participating in JA Azerbaijan’s Summer Work Experience Program.

The Student Companies team from School no.164 in Baku present their handicrafts for competition judging U.S. Ambassador Derse presents the Student Companies team from School no.164 with a certificate for second place honors
The Student Companies team from School #164 in Baku present their handicrafts for competition judging U.S. Ambassador Derse presents the Student Companies team from School #164 with a certificate for second place honors

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Mon, 02 Apr 2007 09:31:12 -0500