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US, International Partners Aid Azerbaijan with Election Reforms

Under its USAID-supported Election Administration Assistance Program, IFES works with the Azerbaijani authorities and international and local partners—including the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe (COE) and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Rights (ODIHR)—on a comprehensive approach to improve elections in the country. The program is currently closely cooperating in a multifaceted effort to strengthen the legal framework for elections in advance of the 2008 presidential elections in Azerbaijan. To promote greater inclusiveness, the Election Administration Assistance Program has taken the lead in bringing political parties and civil society into the process.

Ambassador Derse Addresses Political Parties atthe Elcetion Commission Composition Meeting with political parties in Azerbaijan in Baku on February 21
Ambassador Derse Addresses Political Parties atthe Elcetion Commission Composition Meeting with political parties in Azerbaijan in Baku on February 21 [From left, front row: Dan Blessington (IFES CD), US Ambassador Anne E. Derse, Ambassador Jose Luis Herrero Ansola (OSCE-Baku Office Head), Denis Bribosia (Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe). From left, back row: Fakhri Abbasov (US Embassy), Ulvi Akhundlu (OSCE)]

On February 21, the program brought together representatives of all political forces in the country – including the ruling and opposition parties – for a working session to discuss election commission composition and to obtain concrete recommendations for consideration by legislative drafters. This meeting also highlighted the growing coordination between the US and Europe on issues of democratic development, and foreshadows a major US-European effort to engage the often fractious political parties in an ongoing dialogue. US Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Anne Derse, praised the party representatives for coming together in this productive enterprise. The new Head of the OSCE Office in Baku, Ambassador Jose Luis Herrero Ansola, took the opportunity to introduce himself, as this was his first meeting with the political parties. Denis Bribosia, the COE’s Special Representative to Baku, commented that the event symbolized cooperation between Americans and Europeans in Azerbaijan.

At the beginning of the event, a brief presentation was given on election management bodies – characteristics, functions and key concepts – and examples from other countries, before the floor was opened for constructive, targeted discussion. A similar session for the principal civil society groups involved in Azerbaijani elections was also conducted. IFES is charged with presenting reports from both meetings, along with concrete recommendations, to the legislative drafters. This pluralistic approach is intended to help stakeholders work toward their shared goal of creating an election system that is both effective and widely perceived to be legitimate.

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Mon, 02 Apr 2007 09:31:11 -0500