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Veliko Tarnovo District Court and USAID Sign On for Future Collaboration

Thomas Fleetwood Mefford, the USAID Deputy Assistant Administrator for Europe and Eurasia, met with the Veliko Tarnovo District Court Chairman, Daniel Minov, to sign a Memorandum of Understanding declaring Veliko Tarnovo a Court in Partnership with USAID in late September 2005. Designed in partnership with USAID/Bulgaria’s Judicial Strengthening Initiative (JSI), the court improvement plan promotes the values of openness and transparency, while securing those values through structural changes and intensive trainings.

With the goal of improving the public service of the District Court, and increasing the efficiency and reliability of case management, the court has instituted an electronic case management system (CMS). All District Court sections now use this computer program ensuring the speedy disposition of cases and the transparency of court activities. Renovations to the lobby also demonstrate the commitment to public service. The combined intake and registry, new attorney’s room, consistent posting of court calendars and public information, and even new public bathrooms, all speak to the court’s efforts to provide a user-friendly environment and its commitment to customer service.

Mefford (left) and Minov (right) finalize the partnership agreement
Mefford (left) and Minov (right) finalize the partnership agreement

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Thu, 01 Dec 2005 13:40:14 -0500