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New Department to Continue Bulgarian Court Improvements

Seven years of USAID work toward Bulgarian court improvement became another USAID legacy on July 11 when the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) created a Department of Court Administration. The new department will continue to recruit and support courts under the ongoing SJC Courts in Partnership program. Earlier this year, as a result of field visits with JSI staff, the SJC added four courts to the 32 that partner with the USAID Judicial Strengthening Initiative. The creation of the new Department firmly established this work in the structure of the SJC, which will allow the program to continue into the future.

In the past two years, the SJC has demonstrated a strong interest in endorsing USAID activities. The SJC approved a plan for improving court administration, became engaged in expanding the number of public information centers at courts, and agreed to continue the Model Courts and Courts in Partnership program started by USAID, which helps courts to meet high standards of efficiency and transparency. The creation of the Department of Court Administration now provides a home for these efforts.

The Supreme Judicial Council building in Sofia
The Supreme Judicial Council building in Sofia

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Fri, 31 Aug 2007 15:54:57 -0500