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NOTE: As of March 2, 2008, assistance for Uzbekistan
has moved
to the newly created Asia Bureau.

gif image - Uzbekistan country map

Websites for Uzbekistan and the Central Asia Region

CAR Mission Website:

Uzbekistan in Action

The USAID-funded project is helping farmers to restore their irrigation systems and improve harvests from their fieldsImproved Water Management to Increase Crop Productivity

An irrigation system renovated with USAID support will increase farmland productivity by 15 percent and reduce water consumption by 25 percent at the Kanal Suv Yuli water users association in Djizzak Province... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Infrastructure

DDRP uses a number of creative approaches to prevent and stop HIV and drug use among the risk groups in the regionTargeted Outreach Designed to Decrease HIV/AIDS, Drug Use

Over 8,000 commercial sex workers in Tashkent City have received HIV prevention services from the USAID Drug Demand Reduction Project (DDRP) over the past 18 months... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Health

New brochures will help nurses to better educate communities about TBUzbek Nurses Receive Materials to Improve Tuberculosis (TB) Education

The USAID TB control program, implemented by Project HOPE, together with the Republican Institute of Health distributed 10,000 brochures “Think about TB” in Uzbek and Russian languages among patronage Uzbekistan’s nurses... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Health

An Uzbek farmer irrigates his cropsUzbek Farmers Learn New Water Management Techniques

Recently, farmers from various water user associations in Bukhara and Samarkand regions spent three weeks learning about water management and farming at the University of Alabama – Huntsville... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Business Development

Winners of the Young Economist ContestYoung Economists Show Promise for Uzbekistan’s Future

An award ceremony on May 1, 2007 completed the fifth annual Young Economist Contest for university students in Uzbekistan. The contest is organized by the Center for Economic Research (CER) and the Economic Review Magazine... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Education

At the press conference beneficiaries shared their success stories from the previous deliveriesFood Program Feeds 20,000 in Uzbekistan

On May 7, 3007 USAID participated in a press conference to mark the delivery of 75 metric tons of fortified dehydrated soup produced by Breedlove International to Uzbekistan... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Health

The USAID-sponsored discussion focused on the introduction of international financial reporting and audit standardsAccounting Experts Convene to Help Uzbekistan Develop Audit

In February USAID’s Accounting/Certified International Professional Accountant project organized a round-table discussion entitled “International Federation of Accountants and Development of Accounting and Audit in Uzbekistan.”... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Institutional Reform

In addition to supporting the shelter, USAID programs train professionals to assist trafficking victimsAnti-Trafficking Shelter Quietly Marks 200 Women Served

Since its opening in December 2004, 200 trafficking victims have accessed critical support from the USAID-funded shelter in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.  The center, supported through USAID’s Combating Trafficking in Persons project... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Health

One of the thousands of small businesses receiving financing from credit UnionsAssociation Develops Additional Safeguards for Credit Unions

In February, the Credit Unions Association of Uzbekistan, supported by USAID’s Savings and Credit Unions Development project, officially announced a launch of a deposit guarantee system, titled the “Alyans Garant” Stabilization Fund... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Financial Markets

Estimated 620,000 youth in Tashkent were immunized against measles and rubellaUSAID Helps Immunize Youth against Measles, Rubella

More than 620,000 young people in Tashkent were vaccinated against measles and rubella in an immunization campaign running through December 25. The campaign was carried out by the Health Ministry, UNICEF, and USAID... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Health

Through 2005, USAID was supporting education improvements in UzbekistanPEAKS Teachers Receive Presidential Award

Two of the 100 teachers who received awards from Uzbekistan President Islam Karimov on Teacher’s Day (October 1) 2005 were former participants of a USAID education program, Participation in Education and Knowledge Project (PEAKS)... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Education

USAID-supported programs work with various groups to stop trafficking in persons and reduce stigma against such personsImams Join Anti-Trafficking Effort

With funding from USAID to combat human trafficking, the local NGO “Istiqbolli Avlod” and the International Organization for Migration organized a meeting in October with Jizzak Oblast Muslim religious leaders in Uzbekistan... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Social Programs

The conference in Tashkent gathered participants from 15 countriesUzbekistan Conference Offers Forum to Discuss Islam, Democracy

A conference on the role of Islam in the development of civil society in Central Asia, co-sponsored by the USAID-funded National Democratic Institute, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Institute for the Study of Civil Society... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Social Programs

The new project will seek to reduce border crossing challenges at the Kyrgyz-Uzbek borderAddressing Kyrgyz-Uzbek Border Crossing Challenges

In November, the public association Ferghana Valley Lawyers without Borders began implementation of the Peaceful Borders Project, funded by USAID through the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia... Read More ...

Related Items: Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Rule of Law

With USAID support, Turkmen greenhouse farmers learn from their Uzbek colleaguesTurkmen/Uzbek Farmer Exchange Boosts Quality, Production

In September 2006, six leading Turkmen greenhouse growers and greenhouse input suppliers traveled to Uzbekistan to meet growers from the eastern part of that country... Read More ...

Related Items: Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Business Development

DDRP specialists actively participated in the development of the Drug Prevention Manual for Teachers of Secondary SchoolsTeachers Work to Prevent Youth Drug Use

During the academic year 2006-2007, the Ministry of Public Education will distribute countrywide 20,000 copies of the Drug Use Prevention Manual for Teachers of Secondary Schools... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Education

The documentary demonstrated how doctors in a USAID-supported Uzbek medical facility tested blood as part of an HIV prevention programDocumentary Educates Uzbeks about Drug Risks

On July 4, the popular Uzbek TV channel “Yoshlar” (Youth) held a premiere broadcast of the documentary film “A Fine Line.” The documentary was produced by the National Movie Company Uzbekkino... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Health

USAID supports the region's governments to improve the quality of HIV/AIDS dataSentinel Surveillance Results Presented in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

At conferences in May and June, the National AIDS Centers in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan introduced results of the HIV sentinel surveillance conducted with assistance from USAID through the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)... Read More ...

Related Items: Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Health

USAID has provided laboratory equipment, drugs and reagents, training and technical assistance to stop the spread of TB in UzbekistanTB Pocket Guide for Health Workers Now Available in Uzbek Language

The Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan through the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria (GFATM) recently has printed and distributed 10,000 copies of Uzbek-language Pocket Guide... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Health

Prof. W. Cole Durham, Jr. from Brigham Young University conducts training on Religious Freedom StandardsTraining on International Religious Freedom Standards Held in Uzbekistan

From March 13-18, USAID’s Legal Education Project, implemented by ABA/CEELI, organized a series of trainings for defense lawyers and human rights activists on international religious freedom standards... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Rule of Law

Credit unions provide access to financing for thousands of small businesses in UzbekistanUzbekistan’s Credit Unions Continue To Grow

As of March 31, the 18 USAID-supported credit unions reported 8 billion Uzbek Soums (approximately US $6.6 million) in assets. Their deposits and share payments total 6.75 billion Soums... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Financial Markets

In Kyrgyzstan, the Doing Business conference was attended by more than 150 business and government representativesRegional World Bank’s Doing Business Report Identifies Necessary Reforms for Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan

Kyrgyz Republic was ranked 84th, Kazakhstan 86th, and Uzbekistan 138th among 155 countries, based on specific regulations that promote or constrain investment productivity and growth... Read More ...

Related Items: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Institutional Reform

In February 2006, USAID’s project facilitated the first public meeting on gender issues with multi-sector participation in UzbekistanUzbekistan Takes First Steps to Assure Gender Equity in Healthcare

USAID’s Healthy Family Project, implemented by Project HOPE in collaboration with the Futures Group, organized a roundtable in February 2006 to discuss the issue of gender equity... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Health

Maternal and child health is one of the key areas of USAID health sector assistance in UzbekistanPublic Education Improves Maternal and Child Health in Ferghana Valley

In cooperation with the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan, the USAID Healthy Communities Support Program has recently refocused it efforts in Uzbekistan on building public awareness and capacity... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Health

Participants use quality improvement models to guide health planningUSAID Brings Uzbekistan’s National Health Care Quality Improvement Strategy Closer to Fruition

To facilitate the development of a national quality improvement strategy, USAID’s Primary Health Care Reform Project (ZdravPlus II) organized a workshop for Uzbek health planners... Read More ...

Related Items: Uzbekistan, Health

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Thu, 06 Mar 2008 09:06:51 -0500