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U.S. Embassy in Pakistan

Islamabad, Jan 30, 2006

USAID Funded Shelters Renew Hope
for Quake Victims

After living in tents for four months, families who lost their homes in the October 8 earthquake will have a new place to live. USAID funded the distribution of transitional shelter kits in Chatterplain and Muzaffarabad to start moving families from tents to semi-permanent, weather-resistant structures. By the end of February, shelter kits will be distributed to more than 13,000 families, benefiting more than 100,000 people.

The shelter kits contain framing materials, plastic sheeting to construct walls, insulation materials, an external plastic tarp and corrugated galvanized iron roof sheets. Additionally, cooking pots, dishes, blankets and wood stoves were distributed. The kits also include 2000 rupees to transport the supplies to local villages.

Master builders, trained by USAID partner Catholic Relief Services, are teaching villagers how to construct shelters that are more resistant to earthquakes. Each structure will be individually designed by the owner and will be able to protect a household of 8 to 10 people.

In Muzaffarabad, a shelter kit recipient said, "Although the situation has been difficult, this support is going a long way in helping us rebuild our homes and regain normal lives." And in Chatterplain, a village elder commented, "We are grateful to America for its help."

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