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ESA Proposed Rule

Regulations Implementing the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969, as Amended; Extension of Comment Period [02/24/1997]

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Volume 62, Number 95, Page 27000



Employment Standards Administration

20 CFR Parts 718, 722, 725, 726 and 727

RIN 1215-AA99

Regulations Implementing the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety
Act of 1969, as Amended; Extension of Comment Period

AGENCY: Employment Standards Administration, Labor.

ACTION: Proposed rule; extension of comment period.


SUMMARY: This document extends the period for filing comments regarding
the ;proposed rule to amend and revise the regulations implementing the
Black Lung Benefits Act. This action is taken to permit additional
comment from interested persons.

DATE: Comments must be received on or before May 23, 1997.

ADDRESSES: Send written comments on the ;proposed rule to James L.
DeMarce, Director, Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation, Room C-
3520, Frances Perkins Building, 200 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington,
DC 20210.

James L. DeMarce, (202) 219-6692.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In the Federal Register of the January 22,
1997 (62 FR 3338-3435), the Department of ;Labor published a ;proposed
rule intended to amend and revise the regulations implementing the
Black Lung Benefits Act, subchapter IV of the Federal Coal Mine Health
and Safety Act of 1969, as amended. Interested persons were requested
to submit comments on or before March 24, 1997.
The Department has received requests for an extension of the
comment period from groups representing coal mine operators, coal mine
construction companies, the insurance industry, organized labor, and
black lung claimants. Because of the interest in this proposal, the
Department believes that it is desirable to extend the comment period
for all interested persons. Therefore, the comment period for the
;proposed rule, amending and revising 20 CFR parts 718, 722, 725, 726
and 727, is extended through May 23, 1997.

Signed at Washington, DC, this 18 day of February, 1997.
Bernard E. Anderson,
Assistant Secretary for Employment Standards.
[FR Doc. 97-4467 Filed 2-21-97; 8:45 am]

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