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ESA Final Rule

Claims for Compensation Under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act; Compensation for Disability and Death of Noncitizen Federal Employees Outside the United States [03/12/1999]

[PDF Version]

(CORRECTION to the Final Rule issued 11/25/98.)

Volume 64, Number 48, Page 12683-12684

[[Page 12683]]


Part V

Department of Labor


Office of Workers' Compensation Programs


20 CFR Part 10

Claims for Compensation Under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act; 
Final Rule

[[Page 12684]]


Office of Workers' Compensation Programs

20 CFR Part 10

RIN Number 1215-AB07

Claims for Compensation Under the Federal Employees' Compensation 
Act; Compensation for Disability and Death of Noncitizen Federal 
Employees Outside the United States

AGENCY: Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Labor.

ACTION: Correction to final rule.


SUMMARY: This document contains a correction to the final regulations, 
which were published Wednesday, November 25, 1998 (63 FR 65284). The 
regulations address the administration of the Federal Employees' 
Compensation Act (FECA).

EFFECTIVE DATE: March 12, 1999.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Thomas M. Markey, Director for Federal 
Employees' Compensation, Employment Standards Administration, U.S. 
Department of Labor, Room S-3229, 200 Constitution Avenue N.W., 
Washington, D.C. 20210; Telephone (202) 693-0040.



    The final regulations that are the subject of this correction 
represent a complete revision of the regulations governing claims under 
the FECA, which provides benefits to all civilian Federal employees and 
certain other groups of employees and individuals who are injured or 
killed while performing their jobs.

Need for Correction

    As published, the final regulations contained several errors. 
Corrections were published Wednesday, December 23, 1998 (63 FR 71202). 
However, through oversight, an error remained in Sec. 10.220(g), where 
the reference to the number of days within which use of continuation of 
pay must begin is stated incorrectly.

Correction of Publication

    Accordingly, the Publication on November 25, 1998 of the final 
regulations, which were the subject of FR Doc. 98-31190, is corrected 
as follows:

Sec. 10.220  [Corrected]

    On page 65317, in the first column, paragraph (g) is corrected by 
replacing ``30'' with ``45''.

    Signed at Washington, DC, this 5th day of March, 1999.
Bernard E. Anderson,
Assistant Secretary for Employment Standards Administration.
T. Michael Kerr,
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Worker's Compensation.
[FR Doc. 99-6083 Filed 3-11-99; 8:45 am]


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