





Carter W. Roberts

Geophysical Unit of Menlo Park, CA (GUMP)



Carter Roberts passed away in April of 2008, after a prolonged illness. Carter had just recently retired after more than 30 years of service to the USGS. Carter was known for his expertise in gravity surveying and temporal gravity investigations for earthquake and water resources problems. Carter headed gravity surveys in Alaska and throughout the western United States, and was in charge of maintaining the high-precision gravity network in southern California used to monitor crustal deformation. Carter was also known for his love of astronomy. He was a world-class amateur astronomer who worked closely with Chabot Observatory, where he played a large role in the development of this observatory into the first-class facility that it is today. He had an asteroid named after him and every year would spend his vacations chasing eclipses around the world, from Libya to Siberia to Antarctica. He was a gifted photographer, with a number of published photographs documenting dozens of eclipses and other astronomical phenomena. If you were lucky enough to be on his Christmas mailing list, you got to vicariously experience some of these eclipses and exotic places. He photographed hundreds of gravity base stations, USGS open houses, retirements, and people. He was extremely good at capturing people’s expressions without their knowledge! He also designed many of the GUMP exhibits for the Menlo Park open houses. Carter was a fine scientist, colleague, and friend. He loved his work, and he loved being a member of the USGS. He will be sorely missed.



Gravity map and data of the eastern half of the Big Bear Lake, 100,000 scale quadrangle, California and analysis of the depths of several basins.

Preliminary Aeromagnetic Anomaly Map of California


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