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USGS Scientist on Nanjing University's Advisory Committee

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Jingping Xu deploys moored current profilers
Above: Jingping Xu deploys moored current profilers from the stern of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ship MacArthur II, for a study of turbidity currents in the Monterey and Soquel submarine canyons off central California.

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) oceanographer Jingping Xu was recently selected as a 2005-09 member of the Academic Committee of the Ministry of Education's Key Laboratory for Coast and Island Development, Nanjing University, China. Committee members provide advice for the future development of the laboratory and associated research priorities. Jingping has also been appointed as a joint supervisor in the laboratory's graduate program.

Jingping's professional interests include sediment transport, boundary-layer dynamics, and submarine-canyon processes. He is currently involved in studies of sediment transport on the Palos Verdes shelf, turbidity currents in Monterey Canyon, and circulation in the San Gabriel River estuary (all on the California coast).

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in this issue: Fieldwork
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Monitoring Eruption of Augustine Volcano

Submarine Groundwater Discharge Study

USGS Assists in Search for Airplane Wreckage

Research Methane Hydrate off Southern California Coast

Outreach Open House at FISC St. Petersburg

Falmouth Science Teachers visit USGS Woods Hole

Sea-Floor-Mapping Systems Described on New Web Pages

Awards Wetland Ecologist Named Fulbright Senior Specialist

Multiple Award Winner in USGS Photography Contest

Staff USGS Scientist on Nanjing University Committee

Publications March 2006 Publications List U. S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Sound Waves Monthly Newsletter

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (JSS)