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Coastal and Marine Geology Program

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Coastal and Marine Geology Program Internet Map Server:
Channel Islands

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program
Go to the
Channel Islands Internet Map Server

Map Server Description

GIS Data Catalog

GIS Data Publications

Field Activities

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Field Activities

GIS Data Catalog

Below is a list of data available for viewing on the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program's USGS Channel Islands Internet Map Server.   Data have been compiled from a variety of sources and most of the data are currently available on-line for user access and downloads. Though some images have been converted to geographic for compilation within the Internet Map Server (IMS), the published images may be available in a projected coordinate system. The specific projection and datum information of the published image is noted in the data layer description. To view the Coastal and Marine Geology Program (CMGP) GIS data publications list, click here.

Please select a data category from the list below and expand the listing to review the available data layers.

Please Note: Metadata files will open in a new browser window.


Backscatter Imagery ...

Basemap: U.S. cities, U.S. urban areas, federal lands, water features, coastlines ...

Bathymetry Contours ...

Bathymetry Imagery: Pseudo-Color Encoded ...

Boundaries: Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, state waters, mapping surveys ...

Coastal: Coastal Vulnerability ...

Benthic Habitats: ...

Navigation ...

Observations: SCUBA and ROV dive locations ...

Protected Areas: Central California, Monterey Bay region ...

Shaded Relief Imagery ...

Sidescan Imagery ...

Surficial Sediment: usSEABED ...


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Page Last Modified: Tuesday, January 08, 2008, 08:50 AM