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Concepts and Procedures Required for Successful Reduction of Tensor Magnetic Gradiometer Data Obtained from an Unexploded Ordnance Detection Demonstration at Yuma Proving Grounds, Arizona

By Robert E. Bracken and Philip J. Brown II

Version 1.0

Posted March 2006

  • Report PDF (1.7 MB)
    (This version of the report is accessible as defined in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Amendments of 1998.)
For more information about this report contact: Philip J. Brown II
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On March 12, 2003, data were gathered at Yuma Proving Grounds, in Arizona, using a Tensor Magnetic Gradiometer System (TMGS). This report shows how these data were processed and explains concepts required for successful TMGS data reduction. Important concepts discussed include extreme attitudinal sensitivity of vector measurements, low attitudinal sensitivity of gradient measurements, leakage of the common-mode field into gradient measurements, consequences of thermal drift, and effects of field curvature. Spatial-data collection procedures and a spin-calibration method are addressed. Discussions of data-reduction procedures include tracking of axial data by mathematically matching transfer functions among the axes, derivation and application of calibration coefficients, calculation of sensor-pair gradients, thermal-drift corrections, and gradient collocation. For presentation, the magnetic tensor at each data station is converted to a scalar quantity, the I2 tensor invariant, which is easily found by calculating the determinant of the tensor. At important processing junctures, the determinants for all stations in the mapped area are shown in shaded relief map-view. Final processed results are compared to a mathematical model to show the validity of the assumptions made during processing and the reasonableness of the ultimate answer obtained.

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