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Advisory Council

The National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism advises, and makes recommendations to the Secretary; the Director, NIH; and the Director, NIAAA; on program and policy matters in the field of alcohol abuse and alcoholism.

The Council also makes recommendations with respect to research conducted at the NIAAA; reviews applications for grants and cooperative agreements for research and research training, and research demonstration; recommends applications for projects which show promise of making valuable contributions to human knowledge; and reviews any grant, cooperative agreement proposed to be made or entered into by the NIAAA. The Council may seek the advice of special consultants, assemble ad hoc working groups, appoint subcommittees, and convene workshops and conferences.

The Council consists of 15 members appointed by the Secretary and 5 nonvoting ex officio members: the Secretary; the Director, NIH; the Director, NIAAA; the Chief Medical Director of the Department of Veterans Affairs; the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs (or their designees); and any additional officers or employees of the United States as the Secretary determines necessary for the Council to effectively carry out its functions. Of the 15 appointed members, 10 are from among the leading representatives of the health and scientific disciplines (including not less than 2 individuals who are leaders in the fields of public health and the behavioral or social sciences) relevant to the activities of the NIAAA. Five of the members are appointed by the Secretary from among the general public and shall include leaders in the fields of public policy, law, health policy, economics, and management.


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Updated: August  2008

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