Table 4-11
Summary of state-level R&D tax credits: 2006
State      Year enacted      Top-tier statutory
credit rate (%)
     Base definition for credit
Arizona   1994   11.0   Federal (fixed-period)
California   1987   15.0   Federal (fixed-period)
Connecticut   1993   6.0   Nonincremental
Delaware   2000   10.0   Average of previous 4 years
Georgia   1998   10.0   Federal (fixed-period)
Hawaii   2000   20.0   Nonincremental
Idaho   2001   5.0   Federal (fixed-period)
Illinois   1990   6.5   Average of previous 3 years
Indiana   1985   10.0   Federal (fixed-period)
Iowa   1985   6.5   Federal (fixed-period)
Kansas   1988   6.5   Average of previous 2 years
Louisiana   2003   8.0   Federal (fixed-period)
Maine   1996   5.0   Average of previous 3 years
Maryland   2000   10.0   Average of previous 4 years
Massachusetts   1991   10.0   Federal (fixed-period)
Minnesota   1982   2.5   Federal (fixed-period)
Missouri   1994   6.5   Average of previous 3 years
Montana   1999   5.0   Federal (fixed-period)
Nebraska   2005   3.0   Average of previous 2 years
New Jersey   1994   10.0   Federal (fixed-period)
North Carolina   1996   5.0   Federal (fixed-period)
North Dakota   1988   4.0   Federal (fixed-period)
Ohio   2004   7.0   Average of previous 3 years
Oregon   1989   5.0   Federal (fixed-period)
Pennsylvania   1997   10.0   Average of previous 4 years
Rhode Island   1994   16.9   Federal (fixed-period)
South Carolina   2001   5.0   Federal (fixed-period)
Texas   2001   5.0   Federal (fixed-period)
Utah   1999   6.0   Federal (fixed-period)
Vermont   2003   10.0   Average of previous 4 years
West Virginia   1986   3.0   Nonincremental
Wisconsin   1986   5.0   Federal (fixed-period)
Median   na   6.5   na

na = not applicable

NOTES: Top-tier credit rate applies to highest tier of expenditure levels for states having multiple credit rates.

SOURCE: Dr. Daniel Wilson, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, special tabulations (February 2007).

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008