Table 4-7
Estimated federal R&D obligations, by performing sector and agency funding source: FY 2007
        Primary funding source   Secondary funding source
Character of work/performer    All obligations
     Agency      Percent      Agency      Percent
All R&D   112,829.7   DOD   50   HHS   26
Federal intramural   24,741.5   DOD   53   HHS   23
Industrial firms   46,502.1   DOD   85   NASA   7
Industry-administered FFRDCs   1,477.8   DOE   58   HHS   24
U&C   24,968.5   HHS   65   NSF   13
U&C FFRDCs   6,136.3   DOE   54   NASA   29
Other nonprofit organizations   5,751.6   HHS   75   DOD   7
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs   1,949.2   DOE   60   DOD   34
Basic research   28,264.4   HHS   57   NSF   13
Federal intramural   4,846.4   HHS   62   USDA   12
Industrial firms   2,211.1   HHS   44   NASA   39
Industry-administered FFRDCs   269.1   HHS   76   DOE   21
U&C   14,272.5   HHS   64   NSF   21
U&C FFRDCs   2,364.3   DOE   63   NASA   25
Other nonprofit organizations   2,927.9   HHS   82   NSF   10
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs   897.7   DOE   98   HHS   1
Applied research   26,824.8   HHS   48   DOD   19
Federal intramural   7,828.1   HHS   33   DOD   27
Industrial firms   4,575.3   DOD   46   NASA   20
Industry-administered FFRDCs   708.5   DOE   73   HHS   21
U&C   9,088.9   HHS   78   DOD   6
U&C FFRDCs   1,701.5   DOE   87   DOD   4
Other nonprofit organizations   2,413.3   HHS   78   DOD   6
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs   256.4   DOE   54   DOD   25
Development   57,740.5   DOD   86   NASA   7
Federal intramural   12,067.0   DOD   88   NASA   4
Industrial firms   39,715.7   DOD   93   NASA   4
Industry-administered FFRDCs   500.1   DOE   56   DOD   38
U&C   1,607.1   DOD   43   NASA   35
U&C FFRDCs   2,070.5   NASA   56   DOD   19
Other nonprofit organizations   410.4   DOD   37   NASA   19
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs   795.1   DOD   74   DOE   20

DOD = Department of Defense; DOE = Department of Energy; FFRDC = federally funded research and development center; HHS = Department of Health and Human Services; NASA = National Aeronautics and Space Administration; NSF = National Science Foundation; U&C = universities and colleges

NOTE: Subtotal by performer may not add to total because state and local governments and foreign performers of R&D not detailed.

SOURCE: NSF, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 2005, 2006, and 2007 (forthcoming).

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008