Online Data Library

Decompressing and Extracting the Data Files

Gzip (.gz) and Tar (.tar) Files:

Many of the files available in this online data library are archived in the Unix Tar format, and compressed with the Unix Gzip utility. Windows and Macintosh users can access these files using freeware or shareware decompression/extraction software. Software to uncompress and extract files in these formats are included in most Unix platforms; use the gunzip command to uncompress the files, and the tar command to extract them. (If your Unix distribution doesn't include these utilities, download them from the Free Software Foundation.) NOTE: Links to non-government software sites are provided here as a service to users and do not constitute endorsement of the sites by USGS or the U.S. Government.

  • Users can download Tar and Gzip utilities from Winzip, or from

  • Or, check to see if there is a version of Gzip for a particular operating system.

    Zip (.zip) Files:

    Many of the files available in this online library are archived and compressed in the non-Unix Zip format. Windows and Macintosh users can access these files using freeware or shareware decompression software. NOTE: Links to non-government software sites are provided here as a service to users and do not constitute endorsement of the sites by USGS or the U.S. Government.

  • Users can download Zip utilities from Winzip, or from

    U.S. Department of the Interior
    U.S. Geological Survey
    This page is
    Maintained by Richard Pelltier
    Last modified: 14:42:18 on 15-Mar-2006