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Open-File Report 99–0503

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Alaska Digital Aeromagnetic Database Description (On-Line Edition)

By G.G. Connard, R.W. Saltus, P.L. Hill, L. Carlson, and B. Milicevic

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Open-File Report
On-Line Edition

Northwest Geophysical Associates, Inc. (NGA) was contracted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to construct a database containing original aeromagnetic data (in digital form) from surveys, maps and grids for the State of Alaska from existing public-domain magnetic data. This database facilitates the detailed study and interpretation of aeromagnetic data along flightline profiles and allows construction of custom grids for selected regions of Alaska. The database is linked to and reflects the work from the statewide gridded compilation completed under a prior contract. The statewide gridded compilation is also described in Saltus and Simmons (1997) and in Saltus and others (1999a, 1999b).

The database area generally covers the on-shore portion of the State of Alaska and the northern Gulf of Alaska excluding the Aleutian Islands. The area extends from 54°N to 72°N latitude...>>MORE

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Posted October 1999 logo  Take Pride in America button