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Social Security Online

Social Security Handbook

SSA Handbook Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home Chapter 15: Filing a Claim

Table of Contents

1500.Filing an Application
1501.Who Signs Applications
1502.When to File Applications
1503.Individuals Near Retirement Age
1504.Result of Delay in Filing for Benefits
1505.Where Applications May Be Filed
1506.Application Filed with Department of Veterans Affairs or Railroad Retirement Board
1507.When Your Application is Considered Filed
1508.What are the requirements for an application to be considered valid?
1509.Written Statement Considered As Application
1510.Can you file one application for more than one type of benefit?
1511.Completing the Application Form
1512.How can Social Security help you complete your application?
1513.Retroactive Effect of Application
1514.Claimant May Restrict Retroactivity
1515.Right to Withdraw Application
1516.How do you make a request to withdraw a claim?
1517.Time Limit for Applying for Lump-Sum Death Payment
1518.Can you file an application for the lump-sum death payment after the two-year filing period?
1519.Good Cause Defined
1520.What is the time limit for filing evidence of one-half support?
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Last reviewed or modified Monday Jan 14, 2008

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