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Pilot Project Information: Lunar Orbiter Data - Digitization and Cartographic Processing

Note: The Lunar Orbiter pilot project is completed. These pages are left here for reference. Please go to the Lunar Orbiter Digitization home page for the most current information and data.

Top Overview Images Procedures Web Sites

This site presents the results of a Pilot Project to digitize and process Lunar Orbiter data.  This work was funded by the NASA Planetary Geologic Mapping and Cartographic Working Group of the Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program in FY 99.  Here you will find links to a project overview, image products, an ISIS “cookbook” procedure for processing Lunar Orbiter data, and links to related Web Sites.

Central Lunar Near Side
Central Lunar Near Side:
LO-IV 114M digital subframe mosaic with
Clementine color-ratio overlay.

Top Overview Images Procedures Web Sites


Lisa R. Gaddis
Task Leader
U.S. Geological Survey
Astrogeology Program
Flagstaff, AZ lgaddis@usgs.gov