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Indian River Central School District

Logo for Indian River Central School District Philadelphia, New York
10% Improvement (2007)

New York's Indian River Central School District serves 3,591 students and is comprised of eight school buildings with 730,947 square feet of space. The district has worked closely with the New York State Energy and Research Development Authority to become an active and exemplary member of the New York State public school system. Two of Indian River CSD's schools use geothermal heat pumps, and one of these schools is completely off the grid. Another building uses a hybrid, water-to-air electric heat pump system. The district is excited to be at the forefront of energy technology in schools and is always looking for more ways to innovate and improve.

Indian River CSD has reduced its overall source energy use by 19% in just two years, with an adjusted energy reduction of 12%. For this, the school district has been recognized with an ENERGY STAR Leaders Award for a 10% improvement in energy efficiency.  This achievement means Indian River CSD is reducing CO2 emissions by 2,513 pounds and saving more than $100,000 each year. The district looks forward to continuing to educate students and staff about improving their energy performance and pursuing more energy efficiency projects in the future. 

Indian River Central School District joined ENERGY STAR in 2007.