USAID from the American People/Dominican Republic

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Welcome to the US Agency for International Development (USAID) Dominican Republic’s website! Here you will find information on the assistance that government and people of the United States of America provide to Dominican Republic’s development.


Feature Story:

SOUthwestern Community Turns Waste into Income 

Ernesto Nova, Ernestina Díaz and Basilia López, Juan de Herrera residents, show the green waste baskets that they will use to collect the organic waste in their homes.
Photo by: María Fidelia de Moya


USAID Dominican Republic, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, the Dominican Institute for Development and Research (IDD, in Spanish), and the Mayor’s office recently came together to inaugurate an Organic Compost Plant in Juan de Herrera; the northwestern region’s first.

This compost plant was an initiative of Juan de Herrera’s mayor, Mr. José Alcántara, and the IIDD, as a model project to improve waste collection and generate income for this poor community. The project is supported by USAID though it’s Investment Fund of Environmental Protection (FIPA, in Spanish), as an environmentally sound and economically sustainable initiative. The recently inaugurated plant is a US$100,000 project, sponsored by USAID (45%) and IIDD and local authorities (65%).

Click here to read the press release (in Spanish).

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Last Updated: September 07, 2006