
This annual report will be available only via the Web. Data in these tables reflect Research and Development (R&D) funding as reported by Federal agencies. Totals in these tables are also given in obligations for research by field of science and engineering. Data are derived from the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D, Volume 49, for fiscal years 1999-2001 and from earlier surveys.

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List of Tables
Book 1
Summary of Federal Obligations—Agency, Character of Work, and Performer top
Table A Federal obligations for research and development, by character of work, R&D plant, and major agency: fiscal years 1951-2001
Table B Federal obligations for total research and development, by major agency and performer: fiscal years 1951-2001
Research, Development, and R&D Plant—Outlays and Obligations, By Agency top
Table 1 Federal outlays for research and development and for R&D plant, by agency: fiscal years 1967-2001
Table 2 Federal outlays for research and development, by agency: fiscal years 1967-2001
Table 3 Federal outlays for R&D plant, by agency: fiscal years 1967-2001
Table 4 Federal obligations for research and development and for R&D plant, by agency: fiscal years 1967-2001
Table 5 Federal obligations for R&D plant, by agency: fiscal years 1967-2001
Table 6 Federal obligations for research and development, by character of work, and R&D plant: fiscal years 1951-2001
Book 2
Table 7 Federal obligations for research and development, by agency: fiscal years 1967-2001
Research and Development—Agency and Performer top
Table 8 Federal obligations for research and development, by performer: fiscal years 1951-2001
Table 9 Federal obligations to intramural performers for research and development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 10 Federal obligations to industrial performers for research and development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 11 Federal obligations to university and college performers for research and development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 12 Federal obligations to other nonprofit performers for research and development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 13 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by industrial firms for research and development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 14 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by universities and colleges for research and development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 15 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by other nonprofit institutions for research and development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Total Research—Agency, Performer, and Field of Science and Engineering top
Table 16 Federal obligations for research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 17 Federal obligations for research, by performer: fiscal years 1970-2001
Book 3
Table 18 Federal obligations to intramural performers for research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 19 Federal obligations to industrial performers for research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 20 Federal obligations to university and college performers for research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 21 Federal obligations to other nonprofit performers for research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 22 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by industrial firms for research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 23 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by universities and colleges for research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 24 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by other nonprofit institutions for research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Basic Research—Agency, Performer, and Field of Science and Engineering top
Table 25 Federal obligations for total research, by detailed field of science and engineering: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 26 Federal obligations for basic research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 27 Federal obligations for basic research, by performer: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 28 Federal obligations to intramural performers for basic research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 29 Federal obligations to industrial performers for basic research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 30 Federal obligations to university and college performers for basic research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Book 4
Table 31 Federal obligations to other nonprofit performers for basic research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 32 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by industrial firms for basic research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 33 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by universities and colleges for basic research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 34 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by other nonprofit institutions for basic research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 35 Federal obligations for basic research, by detailed field of science and engineering: fiscal years 1970-2001
Applied Research—Agency, Performer, and Field of Science and Engineering top
Table 36 Federal obligations for applied research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 37 Federal obligations for applied research, by performer: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 38 Federal obligations to intramural performers for applied research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 39 Federal obligations to industrial performers for applied research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 40 Federal obligations to university and college performers for applied research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 41 Federal obligations to other nonprofit performers for applied research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 42 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by industrial firms for applied research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Book 5
Table 43 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by universities and colleges for applied research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 44 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by other nonprofit institutions for applied research, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 45 Federal obligations for applied research, by detailed field of science and engineering: fiscal years 1970-2001
Development—Agency and Performer top
Table 46 Federal obligations for development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 47 Federal obligations for development, by performer: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 48 Federal obligations to intramural performers for development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 49 Federal obligations to industrial performers for development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 50 Federal obligations to university and college performers for development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 51 Federal obligations to other nonprofit performers for development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 52 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by industrial firms for development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 53 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by universities and colleges for development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Table 54 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by other nonprofit institutions for development, by agency: fiscal years 1970-2001
Georgraphic Distribution—Research and Development, R&D Plant, Performer and Agency  top
Table 55 Federal obligations for research and development, by State: fiscal years 1970-1999
Table 56 Federal obligations for R&D plant, by State: fiscal years 1970-1999
Table 57 Federal obligations to intramural performers for research and development, by State: fiscal years 1970-1999
Table 58 Federal obligations to industrial firms and FFRDCs administered by industrial firms for research and development, by State: fiscal years 1970-1999
Table 59 Federal obligations to university and college performers for research and development, by State: fiscal years 1970-1999
Table 60 Federal obligations to FFRDCs administered by universities and colleges for research and development, by State: fiscal years 1970-1999
Table 61 Federal obligations to other nonprofit institutions and FFRDCs administered by nonprofit institutions for research and development, by State: fiscal years 1970-1999
Research Performed at Universities and Colleges—Agency and Field of Science and Engineering  top
Table 62 Federal obligations to universities and colleges for total research, by detailed field of science & engineering and selected agency: fiscal years 1973-2001
Table 63 Federal obligations to universities and colleges for basic research, by detailed field of science & engineering and selected agency: fiscal years 1973-2001
Table 64 Federal obligations to universities and colleges for applied research, by detailed field of science & engineering and selected agency: fiscal years 1973-2001
Appendix Notes associated with agencies included in the Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development: Fiscal Years 1951-2001

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