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Resource Sheet 11: Sample "Warning" Letter to Drivers

Dear (driver):

You have received the enclosed written materials because your vehicle was seen traveling through the (insert name of community) neighborhood along (insert street location) on (insert date). The car was also observed failing to stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk [or speeding]. The purpose of this letter is to make you aware that (insert name of community), along with several other neighborhoods, is participating in a special program to help make streets safer for people who walk.

Extra traffic police have been assigned to (insert name of community) to ticket drivers who fail to stop for pedestrians or who speed through this community. The intent of this message is to help you avoid a hefty (insert dollar amount) fine as well as to reduce the number of tragic pedestrian injuries and deaths that occur in (insert name of community) each year. At best, about (insert percent of drivers who stop at crosswalks for pedestrians, usually 20 percent or less) of (insert community) drivers will stop for a pedestrian attempting to use a crosswalk. Please read the enclosed materials (insert information about the law) and familiarize yourself with the crosswalk law and your obligation as a driver. Pass the word along to your friends and family that (insert name of community) is not a good place to pass up pedestrians trying to cross the street. Thank you for your attention to this message and to people who are walking.

Drive safely!

(name of pedestrian safety coalition chair or law enforcement representative)

Remember… Drivers are walkers too!

Adapted from Streets For People, Too!, Harborview Injury Prevention & Research Center, Seattle, Washington.

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