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International Polar Year 2007-2008

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October 2007 Newsgram

Table of Contents

  1. U.S. Postal Service to Issue 41-Cent Commemorative IPY Stamps
  2. IPY Highlight: Youth Steering Committee
  3. Deadline Approaching for Students to Apply for the New Generation of Polar Researchers Symposium
  4. Sea Ice Day” Held on 21 September 2007 as the IPY’s First in a Series of “International Polar Days”
  5. Symposium Presentations Available On-line: “Impact of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations”
  6. ERS-2 and Envisat Tandem Interferometry over the Poles during IPY
  7. An Arctic Tale Theatrical Release
  8. Echoes in the Ice” Exhibit Marks the Launch of IPY
  9. IPY in Google Earth
  10. Recent Education, Outreach, and Communication Meetings
  11. National Science Foundation Posts an On-line Fact Sheet on the Arctic Observing Network
  12. Available On-line: IPY Planning Report on Human Dimensions of the Arctic System (HARC)
  13. Reports from the IPY International Programme Office

Calendar of Upcoming IPY Events

For a more complete listing of all IPY events, visit the IPY Web site: .
Arctic Energy Summit Technology Conference: “The Arctic as an Emerging Energy Province”
15-18 October 2007
Anchorage, Alaska, USA
For more information:
Making Science Global: Reconsidering the Social and Intellectual Implications of the International Polar and Geophysical Years
31 October – 1 November 2007
S. Dillon Ripley Center – Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, USA
For more information:  
Short-lived Pollutants and Arctic Climate (SPAC) Workshop
5-7 November 2007
Kjeller, Norway
For more information:
First Workshop on Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks
12-14 November 2007
Stockholm, Sweden
For more information:
Symposium, "POLAR: Fieldwork and Archive Fever"
19-20 November 2007
London, UK
For more information:
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
10-14 December 2007
San Francisco, CA, USA
For more information:
Arctic Science Summit Week 2008
26 March - 2 April 2008
Syktyvkar, Russia
For more information:

New Generation Polar Research Symposium
4-11 May 2008
Colorado Springs, CO, USA
For more information, contact: Sheldon Drobot ( ) or Sue Weiler ( )

9th International Conference on Permafrost
29 June – 3 July 2008
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
For more information, visit:

SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference
8-11 July 2008
St. Petersburg, Russia
For more information, contact: Mahlon (Chuck) Kennicutt II ( )

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U.S. Postal Service to Issue 41-Cent Commemorative IPY Stamps

On October 1, 2007 at the Smithsonian National Postal Museum in Washington, D.C., the U.S. Postal Service will mark National Stamp Collecting Month by issuing 41-cent commemorative IPY stamps in two designs. One stamp will feature aurora australis (“southern lights”) and the other will feature aurora borealis (“northern lights”). These designs can be viewed on-line at For more information, contact: Leisha Palmore-Drummond ( ) or Allison Gallaway ( ).

IPY Highlight: Youth Steering Committee

The IPY Youth Steering Committee (YSC) exists to ensure that youth are fully involved in IPY. The YSC is involved in national and international level projects. These projects aim to educate youth on the poles, involve them in polar issues, and provide them with the opportunity to participate in IPY research. For more information, visit:

Deadline Approaching for Students to Apply for the New Generation of Polar Researchers Symposium

Advanced students and PhD graduates conducting research in the Arctic or Antarctic during the International Polar Year are invited to apply for the New Generation of Polar Researchers (NGPR) Symposium being held on 4-11 May 2008 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Applications must be submitted by Monday, 15 October 2007.  Complete application information is available at:

“Sea Ice Day” Held on 21 September 2007 as the IPY’s First in a Series of “International Polar Days”.

“Sea Ice Day” was launched to raise awareness and provide information about this distinctive feature of our planet. IPY’s International Polar Days include press releases, contacts to experts in several languages, activities for teachers, on-line community participation, and links to researchers in the Arctic and Antarctic. More information is available on-line: The next International Polar Day will focus on a different topic and will occur in approximately three months.

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Symposium Presentations Available On-line: “Impact of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations”

The Symposium on Impact of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations was held in Washington, D.C. in July 2007. Presentations are now available on-line:

ERS-2 and Envisat Tandem Interferometry over the Poles during IPY

The European Space Agency has announced plans to move the orbit of ERS-2 by 25 September 2007 to allow a better synergetic exploitation between the ERS-2 and ENVISAT missions. For more information, please contact Mark R. Drinkwater at

An Arctic Tale Theatrical Release

National Geographic has released a new film, An Arctic Tale . Done in the style of March of the Penguins , this tale traces the birth and development of a polar bear and walrus and the challenges they face, with heavy emphasis on the changing climate. The international release included recognition of IPY. For more information about the film, see:

“Echoes in the Ice” Exhibit Marks the Launch of IPY

New York-based artist Rik van Glintenkamp created the exhibit “Echoes in the Ice”, a collection of collages featuring the explorers of the world's poles. At the Harvard Museum of Natural History, this exhibit was on display during the launch of IPY in March 2007, and the following review appeared in the Harvard University Gazette : To view an on-line version of “Echoes in the Ice”, visit:

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IPY in Google Earth

To facilitate awareness and understanding among scientists, politicians, educators, the media, and the public, an International Polar Year layer for Google Earth has been created. Presently, the main IPY layer contains two major components: (1) take a tour of IPY, and (2) IPY stories from scientists. For more information about this exciting new tool, visit: The Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP), a suite of online, interactive maps and services that support arctic science, is also now available for use with Google Earth:

Recent Education, Outreach, and Communication Meetings:

Education, Outreach, and Communication (EOC) in IPY are a continuum of activities and ideas. As with the rest of IPY 2007-2008, the EOC components build on local and regional activities and needs, and utilize existing networks and technologies, to raise awareness of the polar regions. To this end, a group of educators from around the world met together to discuss strategies and activities that could build on existing structures, and help to raise awareness of the polar regions using existing resources. A summary of recent EOC meetings can be found online at: If you are interested in any particular aspect of EOC activities or working groups, or would like to have your activities more closely included and promoted by the IPO, please contact Rhian ( ).

National Science Foundation Posts an On-line Fact Sheet on the Arctic Observing Network

 An NSF fact sheet on the Arctic Observing Network is now available online at For more information, please contact Peter West at  or Martin Jeffries at

Available On-line: IPY Planning Report on Human Dimensions of the Arctic System (HARC)

A report on “Human Dimensions of the Arctic System (HARC) Open Meeting and Planning Core Office Activities for the International Polar Year” is now available online: The report provides a review of the HARC Open Meeting, held as part of the Arctic Forum in May 2007 in Washington, DC, and planning by the HARC Core Office of activities to further human dimensions research during and beyond IPY.

Reports from the IPY International Programme Office:

The following IPY reports recently released by David Carlson, Director of the IPY International Programme Office, are available on-line:

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This newsgram was produced with support from the Tinker Foundation


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