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Planetary Geomatics Group

Processing MOC on SOCET SET

Instructions are available in an Adobe Acrobat PDF file: moc2socet.pdf

Processing MOC on SOCET SET

Requirements and Procedures to import MOC images from ISIS to SOCET Set (© BAE)

I) Processing system requirements

A) Platform/Compiler

  • Sun Solaris 2.6 (SunOS 5.6) machine
  • Sun Workshop C compiler v5.0


  • SOCET Set v4.3.1
  • SOCET Set Dev Kit

Our software/procedures for MOC stereo processing currently supports SOCET Set v4.3.1. Rather than write our own sensor model, we are using the Generic Pushbroom Sensor model available in the SOCET Set Dev Kit.


You will need to install the following components of the current release of ISIS:

  • ISIS Base Kit
  • ISIS Dev Kit
  • Mars Global Surveyor Data Kit

D) Download the following ISIS data file and TAE procedure files, not part of the standard release

NOTE: The above *.pdf files are plain text files, not Adobe Acrobat documents. You will need to save the files to your disk, your browser might be configured to open pdf files with Adobe Acrobat.

E) The following programs/procedures are needed for import of MOC images to SOCET Set. However, because they contain proprietary information, they are available upon request to SOCET Set users: (contact Elpitha Howington-Kraus)

  • moc2socet.c
  • moc_update_sup.c
  • moc_update_sup.pdf
  • moc_update_sup.mak
  • get_naif_matrices.c
  • get_mounting_angles.c
II) Installation of ISIS MOC to SOCET import software
A) To compile moc2socet.c, at the unix prompt enter:
  • cc -o moc2socet moc2socet.c

(moc2socet.c has all subroutines internal to the program)

B) To compile moc_update_sup.c, at the unix prompt enter:
  • make -f moc_update_sup.mak

(moc_update_sup.c also calls external subroutines get_naif_matrices.c and get_mounting_angles.c)

C) Place moc2socet, moc_update_sup and moc_update_sup.pdf in /usr/geoset/vendor/bin (this path should already be in the path list for SOCET Set) moc2socet and moc_update_sup (with no extension), are the resulting executable files from compilation.
D) So that TAE will "see" moc_update_sup, add the following line to /usr/geoset/.cshrc
  • setenv USERTAEBIN /usr/geoset/vendor/bin
III) SOCET Set preparation steps
A) Update internal database files for planetary work
To prepare for MOC (or planetary) stereo processing the following SOCET Set internal database files need updating. These files are found in /usr/geoset/internal_dbs/GEODETIC. (Upon request, (contact Elpitha Howington-Kraus) we can provide our version of these files to facilities that have purchased SOCET Set.) For MOC processing, we use the IAU2000 definition for Mars.
  • datum.dat
  • ellipsoid.dat
  • geodetic.dat
  • geodetic.doc
B) Add the desired location of the SOCET Set images to file /usr/geoset/internal_dbs/DEVICE/location.list
C) Create SOCET Set project
You are now ready to create your SOCET Set project. For MOC processing, we create our projects in Geographic coordinates, and select the datum for Mars.
IV) ISIS processing steps
A) Process a PDS MOC image in ISIS through moclev1
TAE procedure file sample_moc_processing.pdf contains comments to explain the processing we do when preparing a MOC image for stereo processing in SOCET Set. If desired this procedure file can be run in TAE to process image e0503287 through moclev1.

Also needed for preparation of MOC images is Mars definition file mars_socet.def.2. This Mars definition file is used to override ISIS system defaults, and the demonstration of its use is contained in sample_moc_processing.pdf
B) Convert the ISIS moclev1 image to 8-bit
The output of moclev1 is a 32-bit image, while SOCET Set generally works with 8-bit images. To convert the ISIS lev1 MOC image to 8-bit, run procedure to8bit.pdf - this procedure can only be run in TAE.

(When tutoring to8bit, you will see an 'orange' parameter. This parameter is essentially min/max endpoints to stretch the 32-bit data to 8-bit. One way to get these values, is to run ISIS program 'qview' to display the image. Once the image is displayed, selecting file->view on the image display window will invoke a 'view options' menu. Select 'manual stretch' to change the min/max stretch values, (but to see the stretch results you must select 'ok' which exits the menu). To try another stretch pair, you must go back into file -> view,... When you are happy with the stretch, set orange(1)=Minimum stretch value and orange(2)=Maximum used in qview.)
V) Import ISIS Moc image to Socet Set

You are now ready to import the 8-bit MOC image. Program moc2socet is a 'wrapper' that creates temporary files and executes all needed programs/procedures for import, and is run on the command line. Among standard ISIS routines and SOCET Set commands, moc2socet will invoke moc_update_sup, which creates the Generic Pushbroom support file. (moc_update_sup is an ISIS program)

To get "help" for running moc2socet, simply type moc2socet at the unix prompt, and return (without entering arguments). Doing so will give the following:

Run moc2socet as follows:
    moc2socet moc_cube project img_location
    moc_cube = the MOC ISIS cube to be imported to SOCET set, that was run through moclev1 and converted to 8-bit

    project = SOCET SET project name to import images under

    img_location = The logical location of the SOCET images as shown in the FIRST COLUMN of file /usr/geoset/internal_dbs/DEVICE/location.list
VI) Notes about moc_update_sup
moc_update_sup also outputs a *.table file (where *=moc image name). It was output for debugging purposes, but is left it in the code for now. When running moc2socet (and therefore moc_update_sup), you might get the following messages:
1) "Cannot Generate Support File: Camera pointing not available in SPICE C-kernel"
If you get this message, the image cannot be imported to SOCET Set because of SPICE gaps

2) "Incomplete Table of Mounting Angles: Camera pointing not available in SPICE C-kernel"
If you get this message, the Generic Pushbroom support file was generated successfully, however, the table of mounting angles exceeds the range of the image, and may have encountered a SPICE gap. Because the table is not essential for MOC processing, this message can be ignored.
Contact Elpitha Howington-Kraus for additionl information.