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old time radio

America's Town Meeting of the Air


Radio Broadcast: June 22, 1948
The NBC Radio Network program America's Town Meeting of the Air was an early form of electronic "townhall" democracy--perhaps the very first such electronic forum. In May of 1935 the program began what would become a 21-year run. (In later years the program would be broadcast on the ABC network.) The format of the broadcasts pitted two prominent experts in a debate of some aspect of public policy. The program was unique for its time in that it also featured questions from both the live audience and from the listening audience around the country.
In this broadcast from June 1948, Senator Claude Pepper (D-FL) is advocated expansion of Social Security old-age pensions. During this period, Senator Pepper was a supporter of the Townsend Plan and he wanted to modify Social Security to provide a government contribution and to set a much higher benefit level than would have been justified under existing Social Security benefit formulas. Prior to the passage of the 1950 Social Security Amendments--which dramatically increased benefit levels--the inadequacy of existing Social Security pensions led many supporters of Social Security, such as Senator Pepper, to be favorably disposed to Townsend-like plans. Following the 1950 Amendments, the steam went out of the Townsend movement and it was never again as influential as it had been.

Also speaking in support of expanded old-age pensions, especially private-sector pensions, is Eastman-Kodak Treasurer, Marion Folsom. Folsom was a leading advocate of Social Security among the business community and was a member of several important Social Security Advisory Councils, including the 1948-49 Council that would produce the recommendations leading to the 1950 Amendments.

Speaking in support of "rugged individualism" as an alternative to reliance on pensions of any kind, is Mr. Eugene J. Kenny. Mr. Kenny is followed by Dr. Daniel A. Poling who provides what sounds very much like a sermon on the general topic of finding fulfillment in old age.

Finally, the program closes with an abbreviated question and answer session moderated by Dr. George Lawton.

Town Meeting flyer Opening (4:20)
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Remarks By Senator Pepper (4:02)
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Remarks By Mr. Folsom (4:31)
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Remarks By Mr. Kenny (4:42)
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Remarks By Dr. Poling (4:49)
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Q & A with Dr. Lawton (4:51)
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Closing (3:04)
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Recordings from the National Archives. Control Number: NWDNM(s)-NYU-ATMA-420

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