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Spouse Murder Defendants in Large Urban Counties

Approximately 1 in 3 spouse murder cases disposed in 1988 in the Nation's 75 largest urban counties were sampled. More than half of the Nation's murders occurred in these 75 largest counties. Of the spouse murders sampled, 59% were husbands killing wives, and 41% were wives killing husbands. This report discusses how State prosecutors, judges, and juries handled these two types of murder cases and gives specific case histories, describing each case and its outcome in court. 10/95

Executive Summary: NCJ 156831 Acrobat file (44K) | ASCII text file (10K)
Fact Sheet: NCJ FS000127 Acrobat file (7K) | ASCII text file (5K)
Full report : NCJ 153256 Acrobat file (186K) ASCII text file (76K)

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