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State and Federal Corrections Information Systems

Reports on a recently completed inventory of information systems in State and Federal departments of adult corrections intended to establish a basis for improving the capacity to provide comparable data and to facilitate cross-jurisdictional research. Conducted by the Urban Institute, the study addresses concerns raised by the State-Federal Committee of the Association of State Correctional Administrators (ASCA) about the absence of common definitions of corrections performance measures and lack of knowledge about what correctional information systems actually contain. The report organizes 207 offender-based data elements into four stages of corrections processing and then into 28 groupings of relatively homogeneous elements. 8/98 NCJ 170016

Executive Summary: Acrobat file (87K)| ASCII text file (33K)

Full report: Acrobat file(788K) | ASCII text file (161K)

Chapter 1: Profiling and describing offenders
Acrobat file (54K)| Supporting spreadsheet (9K)
Chapter 2: Committing offenders into correctional authority
Acrobat file(80K) | Supporting spreadsheet (19K)
Chapter 3: Managing offenders in corrections facilities
Acrobat file (77K) | Supporting spreadsheet (18K)
Chapter 4: Supervising offenders on release and maintaining public safety
Acrobat file (66K) | Supporting spreadsheet (12K)
Chapter 5: Facility management information
Acrobat file (27K)| Supporting spreadsheet (7K)
Chapter 6: Reporting capabilities
Acrobat file (83K) | Supporting spreadsheet (19K)
Chapter 7: An emprical core
Acrobat file (92K) | Supporting spreadsheet (17K)
Chapter 8: Using the Inventory report
Acrobat file (30K) |
Acrobat file (322K) | Supporting spreadsheet (45K)

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