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Prisoners in 1999

This annual Bulletin reports the number of persons in State and Federal prisons at yearend, compares the increase in the prison population during 1999 with that of the previous year, and gives the growth rates since 1990. It also includes the number of male and female prisoners; the incarceration rates for States; and data on prison capacities and use of local jails, privately operated prisons, and Federal and other State facilities to house inmates. The report examines factors accounting for the continuing growth in the State prison population.

Highlights include:

  • During 1999 the number of female prisoners rose by 4.4%, greater than the increase in male prisoners (3.3%). At yearend 1999, 90,668 women were in State or Federal prisons -- 6.6% of all prison inmates.
  • On December 31, 1999, State prisons were operating between 1% and 17% above capacity, while Federal prisons were operating at 32% above capacity.
  • Texas (163,190), California (163,067), and the Federal system (135,246) together held 1 in every 3 prisoners in the Nation. Thirteen States, each holding fewer than 5,000 inmates, together held less than 3% of the Nation's prisoners.
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This report is one in a series. More recent editions may be available. To view a list of all in the series go to the publications page.

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